his voice TOTALLY changed...
Lexamus stared at Anthony. Something was weird about him.... Anthony walked to where Seth was. "U joined the tournament too?" he asked.
I have... Sega Genesis PS1 PS2 PSP and Gambeoy Advance
Anthony smiled. "Have this..." he gave Xeol a Joker card. "It might help U in battle..."he said.
Kh1 pwns!!!
5 times...D:
Simple and Clean!!! The guitar version...
"the tournament will decide the answer..."said Anthony."It's pathetic how a nobody wants to be a somebody"he whispered.
aahhh!!! *hides in a rock* O_O
I loved firaga burst...it always helped me in boss battles and heartless battles
hehe that was awsome!!
I'd say heartless...the heartless from Agrabah are my favorite
Lexamus smiled. "Alright..." Anthony had heard seth's and lexamus' conversation. "Hey, My name is Anthony and I'm going to win this tournament" said Anthony with a smile.
*drools* mmm cookies...
he DID say who won...he said "*character* lost oh well" something along those lines
apoligy accepted...
zelhand spilled da beans...thanks alot zelhand!!! >.>
DAM U!!! *cries*
waaa I was spoiled!!! dammm U!!!
*gets popcorn* this will be good!!