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  1. lexamus
    1. Satan vs. God will never happen...Satan is AFRAID of god and has limitations (*cough*Jacob*cough*)

    2.Satan has two demons...2 beasts (according to the book of Apocalypse)One was given authority by the dragon(Satan)...and the beast was given a mouth to say blasphemies towards god...and he was given power to fight the saints and defeat them...and he was given authority of every tounge,tribe, and nation(Hitler did not have so much power did he?) and every1 who is not written in the book of life adored(praise) him....the 2nd beast supported the 1st beast with his authority...and he was given permission to do signals (miracles of some sort?) to trick every1...and to make an image of the beast...and ever1 would be given marks of the beast on the palm of right hand and forehead...

    3. K the reason of 2 is that I believe that the pope and the virgin are the beasts(I don't care if U flame me or derep me) The pope(1st beast) was given authority to speak blasphemies and was given authority of every nation,Tribe and tounge ( look at france, the religion basically controls the gov't)
    The 2nd beast is the virgin and every image they have....there have been "miracles" have they..and they've fooled people to believe and to belive into that religion, Something I didn't write in 2 is that the 2nd beast was given the permission to kill any1 who didn't adore it..holocaust?Crusades? does that ring a bell?....and last but not least...we see that there are many images of the virgin mary and of the mexican virgin...the marks are the cross...I'll explain why in 4

    4. U see...when jesus died...he was killed by the normal death penalty which was dying in the cross...people think that the cross symbolizes jesus/ does not...if some1 killed Ur mom(I hope not) and left the gun...would U praise that gun? would U make little gun necklaces? I don't think so(I wouldn't)

    and that's basically it....thanks for reading :3 and sorry if this is apoligies

    Yay some kind of Work Cited!!
    Apocalypse 13:2,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,16
    and since I got all of this from a spanish bible and I don't want to translate more...
    Antigua Version de Casiodoro de Reina, Revisada por Cipriano de Valera

    One question...where did U get Revelations and all that bible ends at Apocalypse careful a lot of people changed the bible....
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. lexamus
  3. lexamus
    Man: I need some time to extract necessary parts for the new project...I don't want any could U please leave?
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lexamus
    The man laughed.
    Man: It was pretty useless...when he died...I tried the best I could to save his brain..and adjusted his brain to the android....U did not delete his memory...U just blurred it.....It would be dangerous if he remembered everything...I'd recommend to get rid of this trash and start a new project...I would happily aid U....

    Assasin wondered why the man was helping them. They can control other people.....
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lexamus
    The man smiled.
    Man: So...what did U delete?...did U reprogram him?

    Assasin was still confused.
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lexamus
    Man: Girls..U brought me here to help U with my original creation...Neo IS my creation...

    Assasin became worried. Creation? I'm not Neo...I'm Assasin...Why are they calling me Neo?
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lexamus
    Assasin woke up. Not again.

    Man: U seem to have a problem with double personality. My Friend.
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lexamus
    Man: Be careful...U might break him...U know he's unique
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lexamus
    Assasin woke up.He was tied up on the wall. Suddenly he began to get flashbacks. "What are U doing to me?" said Neo. He could see the girl's face. "Don't worry it'll all be over..."said the girl. Suddenly his body began to burn. SYSTEM UNSTABLE...DELETING FILES..."Assasin screamed,"I'm not a machine!! I'm a Human Being!!!I have precious memories from my past and U can't take them from me!!" Machines began to shock him. ASSASIN OBEY!!! Tears dropped from Assasins cheek. ACTION UNKNOWN. "It's called emotions U stupid computer!!" With all his strength he broke free from the wall.
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lexamus
    looks like games/anime are getting turned into movies *frown*

    but it looks awsome...GO BISON!!!
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. lexamus
    *shrugs* I really don't care...afterall he was just vexen's doll
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. lexamus
    ummm I was never a fan of the series...but girls keep bugging me about it.."It's the best book ever made!!" "OMG!! TWILIGHT!!!

    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Literature
  13. lexamus
    As soon as the girl said that Assasin's system began to shutdown. His body fell to the ground. He was in some kind of trance.
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lexamus
    Assasin frowned. "I don't see how I'm going to be entertained" he said quietly.

    OOC:Hey don't forget about Sunny Destiny..cause there hasn't been much activity there
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. lexamus
    this is very interesting...thanks mike!!
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. lexamus
    Wow...U think god is Satan?....God is not a person..he is a spirit...U see...why would satan tell moses all those things eh?...the bible's mostly about hope...It doesn't really make sense...and if he was really telling lies to moses than he would've stopped him immedeatly..satan (and demons) are AFRAID of god....I think life is a test...he's testing us if we are worth bringing to for Ur "theory" do U have any proof or anything? If U don' would be pretty hard to believe U...Ur "Theory" could've just popped into Ur a guess or something....Ur probably just mixing sci-fi and Christianity

    Aliens? dude!!..stop mixing sci-fi and for the gods that appear..I believe that their demons...also ghosts are demons too....god is so great it's impossible to explain about him...remember that in Apocalypse the apostol talks to god...when god appears...the Apostol falls to the ground..cause he's so great our eyes can't resist..(like the sun, U can't stare into the sun can U?)
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. lexamus
  18. lexamus
    God can make other humans...>.>

    The satan thing...(I'm not sure) but satan can turn to ANYTHING...he can be a sexy women...he can be a snake...he can be the computer Ur seeing right now...

    the destroying the two cities...god saw that there was no they were eXtremely came to a point where god was disgusted..and I guess he had no choice...

    Creation of Sin: God didn't invent sin(well that's what I think)...wasn't the first sin created when adam and eve ate the fruit of that tree(The bible never specifies if it was an apple)...anyway..i think Adam and eve set an example of of Y U shouldn't sin(Since they were punished by kicking them out of the garden of Eden...)

    U know why there are faults in the bible...cause the bible U hold does not even hold half of the real story...cause during history some things were changed(To they're convenience..>.> *cough*catholic*cough*)and some parts were not everything is in there....

    I think some1 is a dumbass here and it's U...U don't flame on people because of they're beliefs

    @Pika Powah: I'm guessing Ur an athiest...don't worry I'm not gonna flame U or derep U...I think U were great in trying to decode the bible...but U have to examine it several times to understand it
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. lexamus
    My favorite are powerwild and search ghosts
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. lexamus
    It looks a bit weird...and the unknown looks more like roxas or some1 his age...Xion?
    Post by: lexamus, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX