yeah don't worry U just got to wait a little....70 years Later.... Old Nomura:There was this place where I was gonna send Re:CoM Person:Europe? Old Nomura:As my last wish I want U to send re:CoM to......X_X *dies*
oh....U haven't played the US version?....ya that would be cool....what if one day Nomura says"lets dump Sora and use Riku :D"
yeah that would be Awsome!!!! wait a minute....isn't there already 1? Reverse\rebirth
well....I was reading the character files and when I got to riku's said something about how he was supposed to be the keyblade guess is that when Riku turned to the dark...his heart became weaker than Sora' jacks the keyblade from Riku..(but then it goes Vice Versa in the game XD) whoever has the stronger heart gets the keyblade!!! :O
U need to read the jimminy journal.....I read it in Kingdom Hearts 1
or it could be an official release date on birth by sleep....we can't have Kingdom Hearts 3 done without birth by sleep
Hello people :3
Neo began to search files. Maybe if I use the keyword....He typed a word and a single file popped up. Could this be it?
Neo equiped his armor and weapons.
Neo had heard everything. "I wanna fight too..."
"My name is Neo" said Neo. "Rev said U could help me remember my old memories..."
"'s cool"
Neo jumped out of the mech.
Neo jumped in.
"well....can we go now?...I really want to know about my past...I'm sure those Aliens messed up my memory...."
Neo Laughed. "Don't worry, I won't kill him...."
"Ok....where is he?"
"I think I was are U going to help me remember?"
"I'm not sure....."
"just call me..."said Assasin."umm call me Neo...that's the name my creator gave me..."