Lexamus smiled. hehe...this tournament will be interesting...
k...Send me the url when U make it...
"Ur right" he said simply."U have my support in the tournament.." Lexamus began to walk away.
can't U ask a mod to revive it?
Go Renegade!!!
Hey I got a question...is Weapons of legend still alive?
Lexamus smiled at Xeol. "So Ur entering the tournament too?" he asked.
Ur in.......
I think U added me as a friend in youtube O_O I'm da mortalkid
hey R95 is Ur youtube roxaspwns360? or something like that?
he's yours
Name: Lexamus Origin: Weapons of Legend RP Short Bio:He was an apprentice that worked for Versago. Now, He wants to join the tournament to cause havoc in the name of his lord. Powers: Ability to use Dark Elemental Powers Picture:
If there's anything U want me to change plz VM me
Done. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2487834#post2487834
Story: The gods were bored with the battles in their dimension. So, they decided to bring back foes from the past by using the power from the chaos emeralds.The power of the gods and the chaos emeralds fused together making everyone in both dimensions immortal. At first, both groups were happy....but news came to them that them that the first to collect the emeralds will win total immortality while the other would become mortal and die at the hands of the immortal. Sonic,Eggman,Doom and others decided to work together to protect their dimension. Sub-Zero and the others decided to terminate Sonic's dimension and to stop the gods with the power of the chaos emeralds. Sub-Zero stood at the division of both dimensions. "WE CHALLENGE YOU TO MORTAL KOMBAT!!"he shouted. Sonic smiled and said,"You don't know who your messing with pal". The race for the chaos emeralds began. Rules!!!!: -no godmodding -PG-13 romance -follow orange's rules -more rules coming soon..... Characters: Sonic:Sonic the Hedgehog Knuckles: Tails: Shadow:TacoGranade Omega: Rouge: Espio:Lexamus Charmy: Amy: Cream+Chao: Big: Silver: Metal Sonic:Lexamus Eggman: Doom: Sub-Zero:Lexamus Scorpion:TwilightBlader Raiden: Reptile: Liu Kang: Shao Kan: Kung Lao: Baraka: Jhonny Cage: If U want a character that is not in the list plz post the character U want
there won't be any leaders...but U'll be a main character..so I hope U will be active in the RP