Not at all! CtR, you are a very good person and a very respectable Admin. I could never forget you. :3
Congratulations, Scruffy, on finding KHV. Enjoy your stay here, read those rules and just.. post.
I can't stand Old Navy, to be honest. It's not just the commercials, just the store in general. It repels me.
What kind of hoodie should I get, KHV? DC? North Face? Element? Something else? I need help, here. My BAZINGA! hoodie had the zipper broken, and now I'm wearing the only jacket I have left: my ex's present to me from a while back.
Oh, what's up, Toots, baby?
Right Now (Na Na Na) Akon Cover - Asking Alexandria
While I have no interest in such a movie, I'm sure the movie will most likely be enjoyed by it's intended audience: children/families. It's a cute knockoff of Romeo and Juliet. On Rotten, non-critics have voted to want to see it. I'd probably see it, but only on a date.
You could always stop by and have some brunch with a Wampa.
I have a great fear of large bodies of water. Not like ponds or anything, but of oceans. Why? Because I can't see what's out there. I'm not afraid of sharks or anything else, I'm afraid of NOT knowing what's there. That's probably more of my fear than anything: not know what's there or what to expect.
Who do you say I am?
I haven't been here in a while, so I hope none of you remember how poofy and messy my hair always was. It was dumb for me to have so much and even thought I enjoyed the slight curl/flip I could give it, it looked terrible. So I cut it off. Spoiler
Ah, you see, the thing is that I don't care much for entertaining you. I'm just bored, and need something entertaining to do while I eat my damn good taco before I go drive around like a dumbass teenager.
Already knew that. But I'm glad you did, too. Anything else?
... In a b*tchy mood, my feet propped up on the desk and my face in a dull, unhappy expression when I get the brilliant idea to see what the wonderful people of KHV are doing this fine, sh*tty evening. Oh, yeah. I'm just here for kicks. I don't really give a damn, and I'm bored as hell. Entertain?
I think it's dumb to just add someone you've never talked to and haven't talked to yet.
How did you even find me?
Yes, but you have never talked to me and I barely get online more than a handful of times a month.
Why do you wish to add me?
You are very welcome.
And I the same for you, my dear sir.