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  1. Mathias Jay
  2. Mathias Jay
    Congratulations, Scruffy, on finding KHV. Enjoy your stay here, read those rules and just.. post.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Mathias Jay
    I can't stand Old Navy, to be honest. It's not just the commercials, just the store in general. It repels me.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mathias Jay
    What kind of hoodie should I get, KHV?

    DC? North Face? Element? Something else? I need help, here. My BAZINGA! hoodie had the zipper broken, and now I'm wearing the only jacket I have left: my ex's present to me from a while back.
    Thread by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mathias Jay
    Oh, what's up, Toots, baby?
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mathias Jay
    Right Now (Na Na Na) Akon Cover - Asking Alexandria
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. Mathias Jay
    While I have no interest in such a movie, I'm sure the movie will most likely be enjoyed by it's intended audience: children/families. It's a cute knockoff of Romeo and Juliet.

    On Rotten, non-critics have voted to want to see it. I'd probably see it, but only on a date.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Mathias Jay

    You could always stop by and have some brunch with a Wampa.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mathias Jay
    I have a great fear of large bodies of water. Not like ponds or anything, but of oceans. Why? Because I can't see what's out there. I'm not afraid of sharks or anything else, I'm afraid of NOT knowing what's there.

    That's probably more of my fear than anything: not know what's there or what to expect.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  10. Mathias Jay
    Who do you say I am?
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mathias Jay
    I haven't been here in a while, so I hope none of you remember how poofy and messy my hair always was. It was dumb for me to have so much and even thought I enjoyed the slight curl/flip I could give it, it looked terrible.

    So I cut it off.

    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mathias Jay
    Ah, you see, the thing is that I don't care much for entertaining you. I'm just bored, and need something entertaining to do while I eat my damn good taco before I go drive around like a dumbass teenager.
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mathias Jay
    Already knew that. But I'm glad you did, too. Anything else?
    Post by: Mathias Jay, Jan 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mathias Jay
    ... In a b*tchy mood, my feet propped up on the desk and my face in a dull, unhappy expression when I get the brilliant idea to see what the wonderful people of KHV are doing this fine, sh*tty evening.

    Oh, yeah. I'm just here for kicks. I don't really give a damn, and I'm bored as hell. Entertain?
    Thread by: Mathias Jay, Jan 16, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mathias Jay
  16. Mathias Jay
    How did you even find me?
    Profile Post by Mathias Jay for MaM_1, Nov 22, 2010
  17. Mathias Jay
  18. Mathias Jay
    Why do you wish to add me?
    Profile Post by Mathias Jay for MaM_1, Nov 21, 2010
  19. Mathias Jay
    Profile Post

    You are very welcome.

    You are very welcome.
    Profile Post by Mathias Jay for What?, Nov 21, 2010
  20. Mathias Jay