My age is the square root of the number that is twice as many years as MaM_1 currently is, subtracted by eight, divided by two, multiplied by seven, subtracted by six and multiplied by four.
You, good sir, had best not have forgotten about me.
Friend Code: 1893 0917 9271
Juxe looked over at Xero with a confused expression on his face and shrugged. "I'm Juxe. Just for the hell of it."
Happy birthday, Sara!
Lucky *******. I actually had to go to school today.
I suppose you'll need knee pa-*shot*
That's exactly what happened!
Woah, bro. I don't know about you, but for me that's a no-go.
"I'm Juxe." Said Juxe as he lit another cig. "I don't care much for fighting, but it must be done, I suppose."
Sounds good, sounds good. I look forward to our chatting.
Man, talk about rough. I'm sorry, Becca.
Juxe changed his focus from Gexln to Xenree as he put out his cig. "Nice to see you, too, I suppose."
Haha, I'll be sure to post mine soon. Sounds like a good deal, though. I don't play much Pokemon, but I will just so I can talk to you more often....
OF COURSE. Is that so? Hmm. It's not Black or White. I've got Daimond and HeartGold. But I've never voice chatted with anyone. I'll get your...
OOC: Wigglz, that would have been information needed at the very beginning. Just saying. IC: Juxe took another drag from his cig as he propped himself against a dock post. "I would be curious of what is making these things stronger, too, if I had a heart." He retorted.
Good. :3 The staring? I do, but I'm not playing my Pokemon game right now. xD I'm playing 358/2 Days and I forgot to save.
Wiping his lips of any saliva, Juxe put the cig back between his lips and shrugs. "I suppose. Considering it's what is keeping those goody-two-shoes from saving the world from becoming what I am, I guess I'm here to help." He said, his mind wandering to what he was told just days ago. It seemed like only yesterday when the hooded being informed him of the keyblade weilders on a distant world that are surrounded by Heartless and are a near-loss. It was only then, that he realized what he actually needed to do. The reason why his exhistance was created, even though he wasn't supposed to even exhist.
I sure as hell hope that's soon. You need a laptop. Thank you, my dearest friend. A fixation with a gay guy? That's rough, man. And I need a job,...
OOC: My bad, bro. IC: Juxe pulled back his hood to reveal his brown, spiky hair and his deep blue eyes. A grin danced upon his lips as he takes a puff of his cig. "Name's Juxe. I'm a Nobody." He said as the smoke flowed from his lungs.