hey, check this out... [IMG]
Really!? this is cool!!! i'm going to try it! right away! and.. you sound like the real Yosuke hanamura lol^^
yeah, and it's difficult too.. we have to choose the right answer at every questions.. on this Wheel of Fortune Social link. and i we're...
dude.. he do look liked Reno.. but he's not Reno. it's...Someone else... maybe.. Ael, Eal, lea, Lae?
nah, i'm not after, yukiko or Risette.. or chie.. i'm After NAO-CHAN~~~ ^^ she's too damn Cute when she wears girls uniform^^
O-O... i..i see.. so you edited it huh..lol
i hafta graduate... no matter what! and i will be able to go to Yasogami HIGH!!! lol
i see.. so what is it?
*sigh* i have a bad memories about a Girl... when i said "i love you".. She rejected me.. haha, it's too damn funny to remember.. well anyway,...
Fisika..? i'm good at it.. but math, *sigh* hey do you have a GF?
kay'! but, if it is math.. don't count on me hahaha.. i'm no good at math..
just as i thought.. maybe we can meet there.. someday... hahahah
hey, you're profile pic.. is that a DOD..? Dream of Dolls?
how about, pondok indah mall, or senayan..?
you're right.. i hope i have a yasogami or gekkokan high school clothes.. *sighs*
hey, do you know Bintaro Plaza.?
Xigbar, Larxene, Axel.. Xigbar's too annoying with his jiraiya voice... larxene, i hate her *****y talk.. Axel, I hate him because he told RIKU REPLICA TO KILL ZEXION!!! I WON'T FORGIVE HIM!!!
hahahaha you're right, nah, actually i prefer Metis than Aigis hahahaha, yukari huh? well that's a good choice you have, she's a Fine girl and...
Then, we aren't really far away huh? ^^ nice! maybe we can meet someday.
Where do you live?