new member welcome to KHV my name is Zexion it is a pleasure to meet you have a nice stay
I guess... i have to vote for Sai'x cuz he said some cool words before he died " why.. kingdom hearts.. where is my heart..?" Sorry Zexion.. i can't vote for you cuz' your death is mizerable..
this is For Real!? Sweet! thanks dude! and i need the keyblade Size mod + Sora/Roxas Size Mod ^^
OH ho!~ that's cool! uhh.. did someone have a code like in this video? the ally Axel at 1:30
in my theories.. Namine and Xion became one and become Kairi's nobody.. Because.. Namine is connected to Sora.. Xion is connected to Roxas.. this is just my theories...
GHH~~~! dammit! i'm so F***ing Bored , Confused ! what to do??? what to do???
Hoho~~ this one's epic! thanks luxord
Cool, so, dave is returning to be Lexaeus's VA glad to hear that
oh ho~~ i thinks this is an unique one! it has big hair and a cool eyes i like that keep it up!
Gay marriage..??? that's a weird thing i've ever heard.. it's an illegal marriage, right?
Buy the 358/2 days??? why don't we download the rom? it's free right?
I got Zexion as expected.. this is the result
The first anime i watched is SAINT SEIYA~~!!!
Boring as usual.... dammit! i have to buy NDS!!! ah! 358/2 days will release at may 30th!!! this is bad!!! what to do??? what to do??? do you guys have a suggestions??? come on help me out~~ T_T
hey, sup'?
well, it's okay just relax and play..
hey, what's up?
oh yeah, almost forgot For mike and the one who voiced namine they're cool! you are the best!
The KH-358/2 days.. it is the most interesting KH i've ever seen it contains the history of organization XIII ,the Legacy of Organization XIII and their hard work to obtain Kingdom Hearts so, yoko shimomura created the song : The XIII anthology
the one with glasses? oh, yeah, i made it for someone.. thanks ^^