Oh, okay Demyx. :)
Whoa :) how can we edit our page? like yours? well, me? i'm doing good ^^ how about you? axel?
A PSP of course. I really wanted to play as Terra! and i want to see Aqua's cute face~~ >//<
Ohhoo~~ This is getting more interesting! hmhmhmhmhmhmhm.. Aqua... Her smile.. makes me Cry~~ ^^
good luck. partner :)
oho.. this is More Interesting and interesting.. About Aqua, Hmhmhmhmhm.. i would like to know more about her.. XD
I see.. Hmm.. that is your type of girl.
I see.. so that is why you're sad. is she a Member of this site too?
Hardest.. you say.. Hmmm.. Sora story : Axel. semi final Boss. Riku Story : Zexion.
Unbirths.. they do look alike a Heartless. but, How do they attack? are they hunger for Hearts too..?
Oh, hi partner how is "She"?
I would Be.. The Darkside. I will crush everything that stands in my way.. Mwahahahahahaha!!!
Card. 0 cards and vexen's card. those card always saved my life.
Thank you :) Nice to meet you.
thanks Luxord.
REALLY!? SWEET!!!! can i have the code???
hey, is that possible if we can... use Limit cut moves Anytime,anywhere and whenever we want? Without Waiting until our Health is 25%/100%..?
about larxene.. Yes, She is a Harsh woman, and kinda scary.. her moves are fierce.. she even hurt the lil' namine..
i think.. it would be Roxas.. Well.. Roxas always worried about her.. and Roxas cried after Xion dies...... Well.. They will be a good pair~~ NOTE : *IMPOSSIBLE*
Oh ho~~~ this is gonna be GOOD! the japanese version has been released..