Search Results

  1. Wheel of Time
    I wouldn't know about the slide tool, but as for the Slim things, I personally have used both Magic Switch Pro and Flip-top and to me Magic Switch Pro is the too complex one. For Flip-top you only need to replace the tray rather than have to insert alot of different small things.
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 28, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Wheel of Time
    Here, but I believe this is a NTSC code so it won't work on KH2FM

    20340C90 0A090964
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 27, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Wheel of Time
  4. Wheel of Time
    1000 Heartless Battle
    1032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    1032BAE8 00000042

    All Sora Weapons

    All Goofys Weapons

    All Donald weapons

    These are the currently made Play as boss codes created:

    Play as Tifa
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 000008FA
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F7CC40
    20988458 00FBAB90
    20988468 00FBAB90
    E010FEFF 0034D45C
    20A0D6F8 010F0A10
    20A0D738 010F0A10
    20A0D778 010F9660
    20A0D7B8 010F9660
    20A0FA18 0111F1A0
    20A0FA58 0111F1A0
    20A0FA98 0111F1A0
    20A0FCD8 0111F1A0
    20A0FD18 0111F1A0
    20A0FD58 0111F1A0
    20A0FE98 0111F1A0
    20A0FED8 0111F1A0
    20A0FF98 0112AEE0
    20A0E258 0114B870
    20A0E318 0116DA70
    20A0E3D8 011021A0
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2.
    Play as Leon
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 000008F8
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F8B640
    20988458 00FDD390
    20988468 00FDD390
    E010FEFF 0034D45C
    20A0D6F8 010FF250
    20A0D738 01107850
    20A0D778 01110740
    20A0D7B8 011196D0
    20A0FA18 0114EBA0
    20A0FA58 0114EBA0
    20A0FA98 0114EBA0
    20A0FCD8 0114EBA0
    20A0FD18 0114EBA0
    20A0FD58 0114EBA0
    20A0FE98 0114EBA0
    20A0FED8 0114EBA0
    20A0FF98 01143160
    20A0E258 0115F770
    20A0E318 011218A0
    20A0E3D8 0116CCB0
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2 anytime.
    Play as Shan-Yu
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 00000015
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F85040
    20988458 00FE8BC0
    20988468 00FE8BC0
    E021FEFF 0034D45C
    20A0D538 0111D160
    20A0D5B8 01130270
    20A0D6F8 0113AA50
    20A0D738 011492E0
    20A0D778 011576B0
    20A0D7B8 01164C40
    20A0D7F8 01173B20
    20A0D838 0117F5E0
    20A0D878 0118A870
    20A0D8B8 01195500
    20A0DE78 01127320
    20A0D8F8 011A68F0
    20A0D938 011B0C20
    20A10738 011F3A40
    20A10778 01207DE0
    20A106F8 01237650
    20A107B8 0110FEC0
    20A107F8 0110FEC0
    20A10838 0110FEC0
    20A10878 010F4360
    20A0FA18 011E4310
    20A0FA58 011E4310
    20A0FA98 011E4310
    20A0FCD8 011E4310
    20A0FD18 011E4310
    20A0FD58 011E4310
    20A0FE98 011E4310
    20A0FED8 011E4310
    20A0FF98 01217F40
    20A0E258 01244150
    20A0E318 012A8F50
    20A0E3D8 012BAE70
    20A106B8 0111D160
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2 anytime.
    Play as Cloud
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 000008F9
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F88540
    20988458 00FD4B90
    20988468 00FD4B90
    E00EFEFF 0034D45C
    20A107B8 01148220
    20A107F8 01148220
    20A10838 01148220
    20A10878 01076060
    20A0D6F8 0107E9F0
    20A0D778 0107E9F0
    20A0D7B8 0107E9F0
    20A0D738 0108B260
    20A0E318 011052B0
    20A0E258 010E71E0
    20A0E3D8 01112D60
    20A0E2D8 011559C0
    20A0E398 01178950
    20A0E458 010986F0
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2 anytime.
    Play as Sephiroth
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 000008B6
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F97AC0
    20988458 0100F390
    20988468 0100F390
    E026FEFF 0034D45C
    20a108d8 01247370
    20a1ca68 012501f0
    20a2f158 01257780
    20a43e38 01261140
    20c4df88 01261140
    20a497c0 0126dfa0
    20a4e8f8 01279690
    20A0D538 01261110
    20A106B8 01261110
    20A0D5B8 01279660
    20A10738 01301610
    20A10778 0130B850
    20A107B8 01301610
    20A107F8 01301610
    20A10838 01301610
    20A10878 01247340
    20A0D6F8 012843C0
    20A0D738 012AD410
    20A0D7B8 01290B50
    20A0D778 0129E680
    20A0D7F8 012BB650
    20A0D838 012C6530
    20A0D878 012D4100
    20A0D8B8 012DE070
    20A0D8F8 012EA790
    20A0D938 012F4510
    20A0FA18 0131A870
    20A0FA58 0131A870
    20A0FA98 0131A870
    20A0FCD8 0131A870
    20A0FD18 0131A870
    20A0FD58 0131A870
    20A0FE98 0131A870
    20A0FED8 0130B850
    20A10198 0134DA30
    20A101D8 0134DA30
    20A10458 0134DA30
    20A10558 0134DA30
    20A0FF58 01343200
    20A0E258 0135FC20
    20A0E318 0136FFA0
    20A0E3D8 013C2A30
    20A0E2D8 01392120
    20A0E398 0139F6E0
    20A0E458 01343200
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2.
    And I got annoyed when I was testing this code after a while because Sephiroth disturbed me with his attacks so I made this for those who don't wan't Sepy to bug them :P
    Sephiroth Dosen't Attack
    21246D68 01247340
    21246D78 01247340
    21246FE8 01247340
    21246FF8 01247340
    21247008 01247340
    21247018 01247340
    21247028 01247340
    21247038 01247340
    21247048 01247340
    212470E8 01247340
    21247058 01247340
    212470F8 01247340
    Play as Xigbar
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 00000622
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F99940
    20988458 00FE2BD0
    20988468 00FE2BD0
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    20A10738 012A7E20
    20A10778 012B7580
    20A107B8 0120EAB0
    20A107F8 0120EAB0
    20A10838 0120EAB0
    20A10878 0132EF50
    20A0D6F8 01218140
    20A0D738 01218140
    20A0D778 01223A20
    20A0D7B8 01223A20
    20A0D7F8 01218140
    20A0D838 01218140
    20A0D878 01223A20
    20A0D8B8 01223A20
    20A0D8F8 01218140
    20A0D938 01218140
    20A0DE78 0132EF50
    20A0FA18 012FBEF0
    20A0FA58 012FBEF0
    20A0FA98 012FBEF0
    20A0FCD8 012FBEF0
    20A0FD18 012FBEF0
    20A0FD58 012FBEF0
    20A0FE98 012FBEF0
    20A0FED8 012FBEF0
    20A0FF98 01319700
    20A10198 0129DEF0
    20A101D8 0129DEF0
    20A10418 0129DEF0
    20A10458 0129DEF0
    20A10558 0129DEF0
    20A0E258 0122F200
    20A0E318 01260FE0
    20A0E3D8 012D0B20
    20A0E2D8 012F6290
    20A0E398 012F8B50
    20A0E458 0133D730
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2.
    Play as Marluxia
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 00000923
    2091D458 00F5A390
    2091D468 00F91CC0
    20988458 00FED3C0
    20988468 00FED3C0
    E028FEFF 0034D45C
    20A0D538 012229B0
    20A106B8 012229B0
    20A0D5B8 01236260
    20A10738 013979B0
    20A10778 013A5480
    20A107B8 0122BEE0
    20A107F8 0122BEE0
    20A10838 0122BEE0
    20A10878 0120EB40
    20A0D6F8 0123FBC0
    20A0D738 0124B690
    20A0D778 01257330
    20A0D7B8 01262D10
    20A0D7F8 0126DFF0
    20A0D838 01279A70
    20A0D878 01286160
    20A0D8B8 01291E30
    20A0D8F8 0129FF40
    20A0D938 012A98B0
    20A0FA18 0133CA90
    20A0FA58 0133CA90
    20A0FA98 0133CA90
    20A0FCD8 0133CA90
    20A0FD18 0133CA90
    20A0FD58 0133CA90
    20A0FE98 0133CA90
    20A0FED8 0133CA90
    20A0FF98 0135BF70
    20A10198 01387640
    20A101D8 01387640
    20A10418 01387640
    20A10458 01387640
    20A10558 01387640
    20A0DE98 012B69F0
    20A0E258 0134B990
    20A0E318 013B4E10
    20A0E3D8 013DE640
    20A0E2D8 013EE0A0
    20A0E398 014417B0
    20A0E458 0131F360
    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
    Then fire up the animations with L2.
    Play as Hooded Roxas final version
    2036d8c0 61786f72
    0036d8c4 00000073
    E004FDFF 0034D45C.............R2 [model mod]
    207d7458 00bf0e90
    207d7468 00c137c0
    20842458 00c4aec0
    11ce267c 009400DE
    E030FEFF 0034D45C.............L2 [animations]
    20560fa0 00c8ca60
    208ca8d8 00e68690
    208d6a68 00e7d460
    208e9158 00e7d460
    208fde38 01038f50
    20b07f88 01038f50
    209037a8 00e88ed0
    209088f8 00e91160
    2090eb98 00e68690
    20b120f8 01038f50
    20b14ff8 00fea5e0
    20b1a968 00fea5e0
    20b21ca8 00fea5e0
    20b2d7c8 00fe5c90
    20b32358 00fe1310
    20b377b8 00e68690
    208ca8b8 01023820
    208c9f98 01023820
    208c7e78 01080f60
    2092e298 00e9b940
    20935048 00ea92b0
    2093c0e8 00eb6fe0
    20943778 00ec3410
    2094ae18 00ed10d0
    20951268 00edc380
    20957bf8 00ee6e70
    2095d018 00eee340
    20963888 00efd330
    20968958 00f04af0
    208c9a18 00ff3a10
    208c9a58 00ff3a10
    208c9ad8 01023820
    208c9cd8 00ff3a10
    208c9d58 00ff3a10
    208c9e98 00ff3a10
    208c7e98 00f12b60
    208ca1d8 01080f60
    208ca198 01041d00
    208ca458 01080f60
    208ca558 01080f60
    208c7ed8 0108c180
    208c8258 010556b0
    208c8318 00f28be0
    208c8358 00f28be0
    208c8398 010a0320
    208c7f18 01041d00
    208c9f58 0108c180
    208c76b8 010de3c0
    Instructions - Go to betwix and between then go to roxas' data battle, on the cutscene hold R2 and skip the cutscene when the battle starts press L2 and enjoy!
    Number I - Xemnas
    E006FDFF 0034D45C – R2 = Model Mod & Effect Mod
    2082CC58 00C46690
    2082CC68 00C711C0
    21CE267C 010F0095
    2036ACA4 00000000
    20897C58 00CB5ED0
    20897C68 00CB5ED0
    E020FEFF 0034D45C – L2 = Animation Mod
    2091CDB8 00E5AB70
    2091FEF8 00E4F710
    2091FFB8 00E4F710
    2091FFF8 00E4F710
    20920038 00E4F710
    20920078 00E40E50
    209200B8 00E46E40
    2091F798 00EE7A00
    2091DA58 00F603A0
    2091DAD8 00F0F6F0
    2091DB18 00EE7A00
    2091DBD8 00F0F6F0
    2091F218 00EF9AF0
    2091F258 00EF9AF0
    2091F298 00EF9AF0
    2091F2D8 00F0F6F0
    2091F318 00EF9AF0
    2091F998 00F0F6F0
    2091F9D8 00F0F6F0
    2091D678 00E5AB70
    Number III - Xaldin
    E013FDFF 0034D45C – R2 = Model Mod & Effect Mod
    2090DC58 01136690
    2090DC68 01136690
    208A2C54 78655F62
    208A2C58 010BC690
    208A2C5C 0003F510
    208A2C64 5F6D6974
    208A2C68 010FBBC0
    208A2C6C 00033E3C
    01CE267C 00000290
    1032F228 00000031
    1032F22A 00000032
    1032F22C 00000033
    1032F22E 00000034
    E016FEFF 0034D45C – L2 = Animation Mod
    20993678 01358ED0
    20995EF8 012AFE50
    20995F38 0132D370
    20995F78 01358ED0
    20995FB8 012AFE50
    20995FF8 012AFE50
    20996038 012AFE50
    20996078 012AFE50
    20995798 013CCB80
    20995758 01358ED0
    20993B18 013B5EE0
    20993A58 0138E6A0
    20993BD8 01372B70
    20993B98 01372B70
    20993AD8 01372B70
    20993C58 01372B70
    Number IV - Vexen
    E018FDFF 0034D45C - R2 = Model Mod & Effect Mod
    207FDC58 00F9BB90
    207FDC68 00FCCDC0
    20868C58 01027390
    20868C68 01027390
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 464C5448
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 464C5448
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    01C95896 00000006
    01C9584F 00000001
    2036D8D0 00000000
    2036D8D4 00000000
    2036ACA4 00000000
    01CE267C 00000080
    E029FEFF 0034D45C - L2 = Animation Mod
    208EDDB8 011DF8A0
    208F0F38 011D5FE0
    208F0F78 0129A4E0
    208F0FB8 011D0BC0
    208F1078 011CBB30
    208EDEF8 011EB2E0
    208EDF38 011FC6B0
    208EDF78 0120FB50
    208EDFB8 01221780
    208EDFF8 01232890
    208EE038 012421A0
    208EE078 0124F900
    208EE0B8 0125AB60
    208EE0F8 012724E0
    208EE138 0127DB20
    208EE678 011D5FE0
    208EE698 012F9140
    208EEA58 0129A4E0
    208EEA98 01311E40
    208EEB18 012DE050
    208EEB58 01388770
    208EEBD8 0139E940
    208EEC18 013B3700
    208F0218 012F9140
    208F0258 012B6470
    208F0298 013CF1C0
    208F02D8 01402570
    208F0318 0140CEC0
    208F0798 012F9140
    Number V - Lexaeus
    E006FDFF 0034D45C - R2 = Model Mod & Effect Mod
    2076B458 00E9E890
    2076B468 00ED27C0
    207D6458 00F270B0
    207D6468 00F270B0
    2036ACA4 00000000
    01CE267C 00000095
    E029FEFF 0034D45C - L2 = Animation Mod
    2085E6B8 01227A20
    2085B5B8 0119B300
    2085BE78 012C9820
    2085BE98 011F8A70
    2085DF98 012E4190
    2085C258 01265A90
    2085C2D8 01234590
    2085C318 0123CD20
    2085C398 012C0180
    2085C3D8 01275550
    2085E738 01275550
    2085E778 01283880
    2085E7B8 012C0180
    2085E7F8 01193AC0
    2085E838 01193AC0
    2085E878 0116A040
    2085DA18 01219880
    2085DA58 01219880
    2085DA98 01219880
    2085B6F8 011A4410
    2085B738 011ABFB0
    2085B778 011B5740
    2085B7B8 011BD1B0
    2085B7F8 011C53A0
    2085B838 011CC1D0
    2085B878 011D2D60
    2085B8B8 011DBF20
    2085B8F8 011E5A70
    2085B938 011EE750
    Number VI - Zexion
    E006FDFF 0034D45C - R2 = Model Mod & Effect Mod
    2082A458 00F5D890
    2082A468 00F914C0
    20895458 00FF10B0
    20895468 00FF10B0
    2036ACA4 00000000
    01CE267C 00000080
    E017FEFF 0034D45C - L2 = Animation Mod
    2091AE78 01272180
    2091A578 01272180
    2091A5B8 01276090
    2091D8B8 0126BD10
    2091B258 01337600
    2091B318 01349170
    2091B3D8 01355F50
    2091A6F8 012810F0
    2091A738 0128F3E0
    2091A778 0129A900
    2091A7B8 012A5880
    2091A7F8 012B20E0
    2091A838 012BD550
    2091A878 012C8DB0
    2091A8B8 012D0B60
    2091A8F8 012DD990
    2091A938 012E5AD0
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 26, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Wheel of Time
  6. Wheel of Time
  7. Wheel of Time
  8. Wheel of Time
  9. Wheel of Time
  10. Wheel of Time
  11. Wheel of Time
    No idea, but it should work, try this code:

    Auron's Sword
    1032E020 0000002A
    11CD4394 000002C0
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Wheel of Time
    Not possible, it's attached to his model
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Wheel of Time
  14. Wheel of Time
  15. Wheel of Time
    It's in the shortcut menu, the one you press R1 or L1 (I can't remember) press circle from there
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 23, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Wheel of Time
    Try a different code, the ones for the shortcuts:

    Circle is Facedown
    1032F228 00000231
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 23, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Wheel of Time
    You're welcome ^^

    Just use the room mod with the codes to replace Donald and Goofy, using a joker ^^
    As for Destiny Island, you have no party members there with you so that's an exception
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 23, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Wheel of Time
    Yup, it can, use this with the code Evil gave you ^^

    Text Size (HUD)
    2036CE98 00000000
    Post by: Wheel of Time, May 22, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Wheel of Time
  20. Wheel of Time