Here you go ^^ Also I removed two lines that was unnecessary ^^ 11CE0B68 00000323 21C9F638 5F43504E 21C9F63C 414A4150 21C9F640 0053414D 21CD540C 00303330 21CD5410 00000000 21CD5414 00000000 11CD4394 0000056E 11CD43E4 00000775
It should work through Swap Magic, maybe you used the wrong codes? Or forgot to enable them in the menu?
Yeah, it was obvious that everybody was whole again, since all Org. XIII nobodies died ^^ I wanted to see Luxord's human form, hope in future...
lol, you're fast are you not? xD God, that's a looong time you played lol ^^ I guess in KH3D there is only the members 1-8 of Organization XIII?
Ahh, of course xD Is it any good? What place would you place it on what KH game is the best? ^^
I could have sworn I replyed to this... Whut the snaps? Nicely done was what I should've said ^^' Also I've got a third rep thing, hurray lol ^^
I posted the wrong file actually so from what I know it won't work unfortunatly, but I might be able to post the next version soon
lol, yeah, thanks for the third rep (finally I got it ^^)
Nice, thanks, I'll add them to the front page ^^
You didn't make that code, that code has been around for years
I have a couple at my youtube channel ^^ Else I don't know any other ^^'
Do you realize it's not that simple? If he spent 3 hours trying to do that thing for and failed, do you really think he wants to spend even more time doing that for you? It's like your demanding these things and I think you should cut it out.
Ahh, nice, if you could test which of those codes that work I'll post them on the front page ^^ And also, next time you post a huge number of codes use the [ Code] things
Yep, but request that in the appropriate thread thank you.
I prefer emuhaste, google it ^^
Not that I'm aware of unfortunatly...
I believe KH1 was made differently for the spanish/french/italian/german versions so all the codes here will probably not work unfortunatly
Effect mods only work in one room but texture mods work as long as you have the object you took the textures from with you (such as a Donald or Goofy replacements)
I got no idea
Unfortunatly I don't have it still and I can't remember the name ^^'