"No big deal, I encased it with majic, which happens to be impervous to any damage, so the explosion will be contained" Max said as the charm made a poof inside the metal casing
"Okay" max said as he activated his magnet majic and pulled out the charm, then he pulled out all the majic in 2 more of his majicrings that store power and healed her, but her heart rate stopped."Clear" he yelled as he gave her a life giving shock, and brought her back. "Nice charm" he said to himself
"Okay that makes it a little bit harder. what I'm going to do is pull the charm using magnitism, which is a bit painful and risky, and then heal the wound, and trustme, I did the exact same thing on freelancer. I'm ready" He said as he held up his hand"Tell me when to start"
max ignored his thoughts and threw the metal at nadia, it starting to sink into her skin"Do yo happen to know healing majic, it would make this process a lot easier?" he asked Eva Freelancer remembered his most painful memory, being a slave, which enraged him and made him more powerful."hurry up with that charm, he said as he threw a knofe at Nox, as wall as a card at the ground behind him, which coused the ground to explode
"Alaways slipps away" freelancer said "Yup" Max said in returnm getting up, "I have just the thing for removing a slave charm, like I did yours, majic metal, and healing majic. Oh and bye the way your orders done." he said as he hands him a large packt of explsive cards " I'll need another order, a ring that can hold unlimited strength, and can be released only by me, and It can't come off my finger" Freelancersaid 'It might take a while, but I know you don't want it now" he said as he teleported midair in front of Nox "I'll hold him off while you preform the removal" freelnacer said as he took out one of his swords and lunged at Nox "You cna trust me, Ive done a lot of stuff like this" he said to nadia and eve, as he took out the majic metal
OOC.ha ha ha, funny BIC: He took the mirror and yelled "hellow" Maxamilias walked u=into the mirrors, an said," What do you want" Freealncer said Is my ofder done, and I kneed a knew one and I kneed you to remove this thing from this girl's heart, slave charm, very important" I'll be there momentarily, and your orders done" Maxamilias said as he picked up the order and summoned a large amount of energy from a ring that could hold limitless energy,a and warped to Freelancers, becoming exhausted when he got there
"So, are you doing it now, I don't have much time, and I have a mirror" he said as he pulled a mirror out of his pocket
"His name is Maxamilias Mag Black, he is an elf, he is currently at his weapons shop, working on my order in a secret elves city. Is that enough info?"
"I can't let you leave just yet, not until I have that charm completly out of you, and question, can you talk to people far away using mirrors, because I need to contact someone" freelancer said standing in her way
"Are we cloce, and what are we looking for exactly" he said to nadia
"What's in here" freelancer said ashe walked deeper and deeper into the woods nadia on his shoulder, wh=ith his other hand on the hilt of his sword
Nadia had become completly reeled in"Sorry for any injury" he said as he picked her up and walked into the woods
Freelancer took out his bow and an majic enhanced double arrow which a string attaching both, which one part at nadia, which impaled her through her leg, which metal thing out the other sid, which attached to ler leg, so nothing could pull it apart, and one at a tree in the forest, and the string started to pull her towards the forest. he continued to run towards the wood using his last red potion, which landed next to the tree which the arrow latched into
Freelancer continued running, he was now only 100 yards away from the woods, What is in those woods he thought as he took out another red potion
'Glowing red, Ive seen worse" he said as he jumped up, throwing a red potion which propelled him about 150 yards forward, which landed him 200 yardes away from the woods. He continued running
freelancer took her and began to run, the pulling not affecting his progress
"Let me carry her, I can travel faster and I know a friend who help." he said as he held out his hand
"Lets go" he said as he took out his bow"and resist the urge to go towards Nox, nothing will happen since the band was in place"
"The woods, what's there?" he said as he started walking
Freelancer blocked the attackand said"My job here is done" he said as he jumped over him and did the exploding card thing again, landing next to Eva and Nadia, "hurry up, I escort you to whatever city you want" he said bowing