"That might take a whie" the clerksaid."About 1 hour""Okay, I'll wait" Jacob said as he took a seat.
Ok bruce lee is cool, but not as cool as Chuck Norris
No, I don't have enough 8's and I'm think of changing it 2 friends playing rock paper scissors Player 1- scisors player 2- rock round 2 player one- god player 2- Chuck Norris Player 2 wins because Chuck Norris outranks god Chuck can't die, he is invincible
Chuck once got a job, but e trained it to pick up it's own @!$#, because chuck doesn't pick up anyones @!$#.
I don't know how you got lost? Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land.
First there was nothing, then Chuck Norris round house kicked that nothing in the face and said"Get a job"
They once created a Chuck Norris toilet paper brand, but they had to discontinue it, because Chuck Norris doesn't take **** from anyone. Well i don't It was once said that chuck norris was defeated by pirates. That was a lie started by chuck himself, to lure more pirates.
This is a majical place, where you can bust off about chuck norric jokes, or anything about him Yay!!!!!!! Rules: No rules, because chuck is limited by no rules
OOCmaybe you should do an rp on the other continents? BIC: "I need a ring that can convert energy into lightning energy, like static to lightning or food energy from the body, and it can't come off me, and put come lightning energy in it to start, okay? any questions?"
Jacob walked into the store."I kneed something special, very powerful, behind the shelf, you do that"
Jacob finished his ramon and went to a nearby majic shop, he knew exactly what he wanted.
OOC: no ramon is also made properly in Japan. And You can easily fly using lightning. The force of it hiltting the ground would propell you upwards. And since lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun, I think that you could rise somehow using heat. BIC: Jacob sat down and the people at the shop started making his usuall. He thought of things he could buy that could help him.
OOCWhooopse BIC: Jacob arrived at the city and started walking towards is favorite ramen shop
OOC: stop getting off topic, it's annoying to read spam BIC: Jacob knowing his men had nothing, he launched himself into the air using lightning and flyed towards a city to get some food
Max handed the finished ring to freelancer."If this works as I think I do<" Freelancer said as he put the ring on, spikes cane out of it and implanted into his bones so it could not come off, and then he poured all of his strength into it and passed out. Max then got up, and reated a ball of pure energy, and threw it at the wall and destroyed it. Max then picked up freelancer and started walking towards his shop.
"Okay, what are our plans, we need to have a good attack, that will attract people to join, any bright Ideas" Jacob says to his other members of the guild of the broken blade
OOC: I'll be this color. okay
Username-DeathKingApocalypse080808 Name (full)-Jacob John Daxma Race-Cylians Powers (if any)- lightning Age-499 Gender-Male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)Freelancer Weapon (if any)-2 4 fooot long swords with 1 foot long hilts Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)-Knows a lot of people, some good smiths, some great warriors. He is the leader of the guild of the broken blade, where he met all these people. They meet in The Desert of Tek'leenair.They are hands for hire. They recruit as many people as they can. Currently, they hace about 200 members. Their banner is a broken blade. Tip don't cross them, they will get rid of you. They have many majicians, 2 very good smiths, and many good swordsmand. He likes things his way, and is incriedably smart. He is sort of a scypothap( probaly incorrect spelling). Appearance-http://media.photobucket.com/image/blonde%20anime%20boy/Kyouki-chan93/draco.jpg?o=7 question, how many summons are left if any? And If there are any, cant I have one? Edited
'What are you doing?" Freealncer said to max as he was fiddeling with majic with a ring "Your order" max said in response "Right, I'll get to work on getting us out of here" freelnacer said sa he started slashing at the wall