"Relax, I have 1 trick up my sleve," he said as he flicked his wrist and his earth majic people mad a 10mfoot deep trench around the mob of lizards."You see, I have It al under control" he said as he slashed throught 2 lizards.
Jacobs soilders had gathered and archers started shooting at them, tons falling down dead from the front and behind because Jacob had cought up and was sttacking from the rear
how soon????????
User name DeathKingApocalypse080808 Name:John Daxma Apperance:http://media.photobucket.com/image/blonde anime boy/JoySakura/Blonde Boy/Anime_Guy1.jpg?o=19 Wepons:2 samurai swords, a barrett M107 and an modified M16 which has modified clips, which he never uses Country Darkra Empire Where are you now:Capital city Bio:is a high ranking stragitest of the Darkra empire, doesn't like to get his hands dirty Skills:good very accurate, fast, and smat and quick thinking Other Doesn't like what the empire is doing
Jacob started rnning after the lizards yelling,"Kill them, kill them all"
"I know, the lizards are running towards them" he said, smiling
OOC: I know, that was what I was planning, BIC: "okay, what did I do this time" he said to Chris
I know that trick, it's cool type in french war victories to google and hit I'm feeling lucky
"Why did you stop"
Jacob slashed through a couple of lizards. What is taking them so long he thought
Every night, The bogie Man checks his closet for chuck noris
"I'm caling in for backup" Jacob as he activated a majical flare, alerting all Guild of the broken blade members to come and fight."This is just getting interesting" OOC:I gotta go,
Jacob took out his two swords and attacked 2 lizards which blocked with swords. He than sent an electric current throught his blades, electryfing the 2 lizards.
Jacob nodded, and flew ahead of him, using his lightning to clear a corcle of lizards so he and christopher could land and fight. He landed.
"About time" Jacob as he started to fly again going next to Christopher"Are you thinking what I'm thinking"
if at first you don't succede, your not chuck noris
OOC: hey black, why don't you use your ice to make you go faster somehow
OOC:I guess, I don't exactly know where the fight is
OOC: I don't exactly know where I am,But I know I'm west of the dessert
Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer. To bad hes never cried.