Jacob decided he would practice his skydiving/ paratrooping skills OOC: skydiving is in this world, right
ooc: that's just mean, i like that bic: Jacob left the outpost mear tirwin, and started thinking what countries needed help to order his men to go there and help.He couldn't think of anyone, so he decided to make up a song.
John started running, feeling something was up
1st visitor message, yay
Username:DeathKingApocalypse080808 Name:Jacob Daxma Age:38 Gender:Male Zodiac and Birthday:Scorpio Dec 5 Status:King of the evil relm Good or Evil:Evil Weapon: (no guns) Spells:healing, duplicating and speed Element:lightning Bio:hates everyone, except self, has no vlaue of human life, except his own Other:n/a Picture:http://media.photobucket.com/image/b..._Guy1.jpg?o=19 Keyword:will
Jacob took his things and left, heading for the desert
ooc: this is a nessisity, he has to make sure his brother has done nothing stupid bic: john was getting tired, so he stopped and started walking
John figured he wouldn't find anything there, so he started flying again
Jacob cont walking and went into his room taking out his swords and putting them on, he wanted adventure, so he was going to go find it
okay, i'll join
what the heck is this, i might join if i know what you want
read it in a far side cartoon
loloutloud omgmygod
i good, fabolous
yay, my spam post rocks, but it's not spam at the same time because it has to do with the thread, right, right
ooc: pezz had a break from the internet, it's the apocalypse*runs around in circles screaming* o right i bring the apocalypse, never mind, spazz attack over bic:Jacob started walking around the building ooc: question pezz, are you ever going to use that new guild mamber
John walked through the town, looking for something god to eat
ooc: pezz is back on now yay
good point, i don'tlike lilbuno, he called me the newest person on the site, when I have been on longer than he has
what, i don't get it