"Your the coward, hiding behind men," he said as he stood up and unsheathed his swords."You die here and now coward." He saidslashing at Zuiden
"Really, hiding behind my men, get rid of the problem at it's source, me." Jaccob said smugly. I don't think he'll be able to top that he thought
"I was laughing about the fact that i am missing my appoinment, so could we hurry this up please" he said that mockingly
Jacob winced at the pain, and he suddenly started laughing very heavily at Zuiden, he was laughing so hard, he couldn't breathe.
Jacob sat there still, while Zuiden was running at him. He felt calm.
"You wouldn't, because i know you, that is the greatest secret of all," jacob said slightly worried, that he actually would kill him, which he had a plan if he did.
"If I fight, you'll kill me, if I don't, you'll gag me and bag me and leave me out in the middle of the desert, hence it's what people usually do, so the choice is obvious." Jacob said smugly.
Jacob had gotten th a good altitude in the plane, so he jumped down soaring through the air, looking at the disaterous capital city
"Never fight a fight you can't win," Jacob said to himself."I surrender>" he said as he knealed down and put his hands behind his hand
"What the heck is going on here'" Jacob yelled at Zuiden,"Who put you in charge" he said angriely.Is he trying to overthrough me? he thought
OOC: whopse i forgot, sorry BIC: Jacob could see some men hog-tied and wondered why.What happened while i was gone he wondered as he started to run faster
how you doing
Jacob saw something happening and started to run, wondering what the comotion was about
Think positive people, clear * hits panda face with shock pads*
jacob could see the base, so he drank all of his water thinking he could fill it up when he got there
Jacob was about 1/4 of the way through the desert, and was becoming thirsty. I have to save my water for later he thought. John was about 1/2 of the way to the desert
Jacob walked up to the lead training officer and asked if he could parachute, and he took him up
OOC:good, very good, wha, ha ,ha, ha, ha, *ashma attack* cough cough
Jacob started walking through the desert ooc: pezz are you going to get control of Zuiden , or is he going to be lilbueno's forever
OOC: man, you guy work fast, it took me a long time to read all that, well, it's my fault i guess, i should be active more Bic: Jacob had walked a long way by no and was starting to see the desert. The trouble is getting through, He thought John had also walked a long way, but was still pretty far from the desert, i'll never get there at this rate, he thought as he started running