C+ for creativity F- for execution
Right now I'm just working full time, so no spring break for me. Quite the opposite actually, this week will be hectic with all the shoppers....
at least I wouldn't have to run into my NOTPs anymore.
you kids and your puny jokes
oh wow what a coincidence same here girlfran omg tried and true us~
That's ok. There are days where nothing big happens and I just sorta lurk around like a bum. anything new and exciting with you????
I'll punch-tuate you, pretty boy.
Yes I do! I currently have InFAMOUS SS and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. SS is a pretty short-ish game, but it's really pretty and great open world. I almost have it platinum'd (which in itself is great because I have never platinum'd a game im so lazy.) Its up to you if you want to get a PS4 right now, but imo KH3 will be a long wait, and you may want some games that come out before that time. But before that, make sure that first, you have the money to get a PS4, and second, if you want to at least play one of the games that are currently out. The fall looks more promising with release games, and soon most games will be next gen specific which means the pretties will be better omg.
ehh?! Damn kids again! *shakes fists*
Hi~ Things are going pretty good for me. I'm not like super great, but I'm just enjoying the little things right now. Thinking does me well. Also I got a PS4 so im like super AWOL right now hahaa but thnx gorgeous person, I hope you're doing well too!
ur bewbs look gr8 in dat dress 8'D and the rest of u 2 omg. Pretty place though, best of luck with unpacking everything that always sux a lot.
Im pretty sure that's because there's an outpost next to us because same here.
dat avatar @ u
Yeah we have enough trouble cleaning up around here sheesh
hey gorgeous.
Shhhh… quiet, you might piss somebody off.
you have your own charm Misty-chan.
your usertitle puns are ridic