Okay so just post a reply with no punctuation to the post above you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey hey hey you yeah you Don't think I don't know what you're doin'
I've looked over the rules and stuff many times and yet I still don't see it. So how big should an avatar be?
So here I am showing off things I made. Anyway here are some things I made. Signatures
How do I make them? What software do I need?
Is my sig too big?
June the second is this Thursday. *Sighs* I wish it was Thursday.
Now I've got wannabe by the spice girls stuck in my head. It's all your fault!
SUCKS! I hate it!
Have you ever done it?
I just got up. :) And we're still here *shot*
So where is he? I activated the curse like 500 times.
And I'm loving it!
Let's see what happens.
ARE YOU FREAKING STUPID?! The world is not going to end tomorrow. News flash khou: You're an idiot. End of rant.
:( I deleted all the photos.
It's 8:40 pm. He he looks like she (I think) is an early bird :) . Here is a pic. I cut out myself.
The Tale of My Loving Was In The Navy Forgotten Memory - A Ballad It began on a Lifeless Wednesday Midnight: I was the most Open Student around, He was the most Loving was in the Navy. He was my Forgotten Memory, My Loving Forgotten Memory, My was in the Navy. We used to Love so well together, Back then. We wanted to Ran together, around the world, We wanted it all. But one Midnight, one Lifeless Midnight, We decided to Ran too much. Together we Hugged a Someone like me. It was Expressionless, so Expressionless. From that moment our relationship changed. He grew so Clueless. And then it happened: Oh no! Oh no! He Loved a Me. Alas, a Me! My Forgotten Memory Loved a Me. It was Emotionless, so Emotionless. The next day I thought my Eyes had broken, I thought my Hands had burst into flames, (But I was actually overreacting a little.) But still, he is in my thoughts. I think about how it all changed that Midnight, That Lifeless Wednesday Midnight. My Hands... ouch! When I think of that Loving was in the Navy, That Loving was in the Navy and me.
that I still like Blue's Clues and Blue's room?