Does anyone know how to change the 12 hour time format on the Windows clock to 24 hour time format and switch back and forth between the two? Is this even possible? If so can you provide a step by step guide? I have windows 7 if that makes a difference.
Prologue It was a strange day today in the small town of Maccana. The trees were all covered in white sheets of snow. The ground was so full of snow that you couldn’t see the road. My mother told me that this was not a good sign. I laughed at her and wagged my tail as I placed my paws on the snow. I regretted it when I touched the cold snow because I fell into it and passed out. I knew that sleeping was the stupidest idea I could ever have but I’m a wolf so I’ve had stupider ideas. By the time I woke up my mother assumed I was dead so I slowly clawed my way to the surface, gasping for air. My cognitive functions weren’t working right now due to hypothermia and dehydration. When I finally gathered enough wits I realized that I was being watched. “What do you want?†I snarled at the wolf watching me. The wolf was a female, no older than forty-five. She was also about to have a family pretty soon. Suddenly I heard a strange gurgling sound so I ran away from the sound. Chapter One A mother told her daughter that she got a new job across the country which meant that they would be moving. Tears poured from the girl's eyes when she said that, and she quickly ran outside the door. She didn't know where she was going, but she did know that she wasn't moving. She never realized how cold it gets during the winter, but at this point, she didn't care. She continued running until her foot got caught in a branch and she slipped. She fell for what seemed like hours before she landed in a nearby river. Her head smacked against a rock which caused her to pass out from the brain damage. The last thing she remembered was seeing the dead tree before she fell. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- I could hear a bloodcurdling scream not too far from my current location, which caused the hair on the back of my neck to stick up. The scream was then replaced by the distinct sound of snapping, which caused me to slowly walk in that direction. I couldn't tell which direction the sound was coming from, so I heightened my hearing by deluding all my other senses to make the sound much sharper. Once the faint sound was sharper, I ran towards the sound, and I stopped dead in my tracks when I was hit by the smell of death. My instinct was to run away from the putrid smell of death, but I was curious as to who or what the smell was coming from, so I slowly edged toward the smell. When I got close enough that I could see where the smell was coming from, I let out a small yelp when I saw what had happened. The smell came from a human girl who was probably in her late teens, and the girl appeared to have smacked her head on a rock which caused her to drown. I could see the invisible strands of the girl's spirit, so I followed the spirit, guiding it to wherever it is that humans go to after death.
Have you ever gotten any funny browser messages? Post them here. Feel free to move this topic if needed mods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I posted this on my deviant art account to show it off. Critiques appreciated flames however aren't.
Most manga books read from right to left, and because I have been reading manga for years something happened to me today. I forgot how to read from left to right. Did this happened to anyone else? Also feel free to move the topic if need be.
We should celebrate. :D (Kidding)
Let's talk this way LOL. It's fun talking to the next. This is just for fun, not to insult anyone. Madness can be done with this website. Okay now let's have some fun. becomes
Out of all the current gaming devices out there, which do you prefer? Me personally, I prefer my Ds Lite. I like using the stylus to play games. Plus it helps with fine motor skills something I'm sadly lacking.
Seriously how do you get a game over in the green hill zone?! xd
Whoever said time heals all wounds obviously has never had something bad in their lives. Nothing can truly heal a broken heart, you just learn to live with it. Nothing heals the pain of loss, not even our dreams. Whenever something is too painful, and too much for us to handle, we suppress the memory of the pain. That's how the human mind works. Whenever something is too shameful we reject it, but the imprint is still there.
When I open the screen for my laptop the left hinge cracks. Is this something that can be fixed?
First of all there was no grounds for these people being arrested. Facebook is a social networking site designed for use of chatter on the internet. There was no riot to begin with so therefore there is no grounds for an arrest.
Avatars 200 x 200 (for other forums) 100 x 100 Signatures
BAKUGAN® RULES This is a 2 player game. Each player has a team of 3 Bakugan and each is trying to be the first to capture 3 Gate cards. SET UP Each player needs 3 Bakugan, 3 Gate cards: one of each color, and 3 Ability cards: one of each color. (The Gate cards are heavier than the others and make the Bakugan open.) Players should sit about 2-1/2 feet from each other. The play area should be a smooth, flat surface. The space between the two players is called the Field. When ready, each player says, “Field – Open!” Players should hold their unused cards in their hands (or leave them face down), so that their opponent cannot see the face side. Their unused Bakugan should be closed (marble-like). Each player has a used pile on their left; this is where played Ability cards, Gate cards won, and used Bakugan go. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER A PLAYER ROLLS? If a player rolls a Bakugan and misses, the Bakugan goes into the player's used pile. If the Bakugan opens on a Gate card and there’s no other Bakugan on that Gate card, it is now the other player’s turn. If the Bakugan opens on a Gate card and the other player has a Bakugan on that Gate card, Battle ensues – see “BATTLE!!” If the Bakugan opens on a Gate card and this player already has a Bakugan on this card, one of two things happen: • If there’s no other Gate card in play or this player already has a Bakugan on the other Gate card, this player wins that Gate card uncontested, placing it and his two Bakugan in his used pile. It then becomes the other player’s turn. • Otherwise this Bakugan is moved to the other Gate card. If that Gate card doesn’t have an opponent’s Bakugan, it is the other player’s turn. But if it does, Battle ensues – see “BATTLE!” Battle is one Bakugan vs. one Bakugan and happens whenever Bakugan from two different players end up on the same Gate card. Detach the two Bakugan from the Gate card and read each Bakugan’s G-Power. (found on the inside of Bakugan) GATE REVEAL: Flip the Gate card over and do what it says. ABILITY CARDS: Play Ability cards (if desired) – first, by the player whose turn it is. Each Ability card says when it can be played. Tell your opponent that you are playing the card, do what the card says and then put the card in your used pile. GATE CARD ATTRIBUTE BONUS: After both players are finished playing Ability cards, simply match the color of a Bakugan to the color symbol on the Gate card and add that number to the Bakugan’s G-Power. The battle is won by the Bakugan that now has the higher G-Power. The player who wins the battle puts the Gate card in their used pile. Return each Bakugan to its owners’ used pile. IN THE EVENT OF A TIE: The battle is won by the first Bakugan that stood on the Gate card. A double stand is when two of your own Bakugan land on your own gate card. Gate cards can be negated if you get a high number from 1-6 oh and you have to choose randomly. Okay as I see you have no idea who the younger player is you can choose who goes first. Now for the Bakugan g power: Pyrus-380 Aquos-400 Darkus-480 Ventus-500 Subterra-580 Haos-600 Here's the way you challenge someone to a Brawl. Lp ( 1000) Are double stands allowed? First Player Here is how you Brawl! player 1(me) My turn! Bakugan Brawl! Pick the 6 faces. Roll it. If you land on a high number you've just made a stand. If you land on a low number you missed. I landed on a four so I just made a stand. Now It's player two's turn. Player two rolls the dice. Player two landed on a 6 so they battle your Bakugan. Player 1: Player 1 chooses the eight sided dice. They roll the dice. 6 comes up. Player 2: Player two rolls the dice. 3 comes up. Player one wins one gate card. and it rotates from there until one player has three gate cards. Here is a list of ability cards Boosted Dragon: Increase 1 Dragonoid's power level by 100 Gs. Saurus Glow: Increase 1 Saurus' power level by 50 Gs. Slice Cutter: Allows your Mantris to decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 50 Gs. Frame Fire: Negate opponent's move which decreases your power and gain 50 Gs if you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle. Firewall: If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 50 Gs. Jump Over Negate your opponent's Ability card that would decrease your bakugan's power level if you have a Ventus bakugan in the battle. Robotallian Enforcement: Increase your Robotallian bakugan by 50 Gs. Slash 0: Increase your Fear Ripper's power level by 80 Gs. Gravity Chamber: If you have a Darkus bakugan in battle, force all of your opponent's bakugan on the field over to that Darkus bakugan's Gate Card. Lightning Shield: If you have a Haos bakugan in battle, decrease you're opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. Fire Judge: If you have a Pyrus bakugan in battle, increase its power level by 100 Gs. Ability Counter: Negate your opponent's Ability Card. Crystal Fangs: Increase your Tigrerra bakugan's power level by 80 Gs. Power Charge: Increase your bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. In the next battle, that bakugan may attack from any Gate Card, provided it wins this battle. Fire Sword: Increase your Pyrus Siege's bakugan power level by 50 Gs. Backfire: Use your Pyrus bakugan in the battle to nullify your opponent's Gate Card. Cut-In Saber: Transport your Tigrerra bakugan to any part of the battlefield you want. Twin Machete: Increase your Mantris' power level by 100 Gs. Attractor: Use your Centipoid bakugan to move any bakugan on the field to any other Gate Card you want. Rapid Fire: If you have a Pyrus bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels. Rapid Haos: If you have a Haos bakugan in the battle, shoot in another bakugan and combine power levels. Fire Storm: Increase your Pyrus bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. Poison Fangs: Any of your beastly bakugan can use this card. Transfer 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your own bakugan. Each time that opponent's bakugan brawls, reduce it by 50 Gs for each battle. Whirlwind: Use your SubTerra bakugan to decrease your opponent's bakugan by 100 Gs. Earth Power: Increase your SubTerra bakugan by 50 Gs. Nose Slap: Use your Tuskor bakugan to attack a bakugan on any adjacent Gate Card. Stare Down: Use your Cycloid or Tentaclear bakugan to decrease all of your opponent's bakugan within all of the Gate Cards played so far by 50 Gs. Mega Impact: Increase your Gorem bakugan's power level by 50 Gs. Savage Air: Shoot in another Haos bakugan and combine g power levels. Wing Burst: Transfer 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your Griffon bakugan. Leap Sting: Use your Darkus bakugan to attack any bakugan on the field from a separate Gate Card. Air Battle: Use a flying Ventus bakugan to move to anywhere on the field, the Gate Card also won't open. Crimson Twister: Allows your Monarus to move any bakugan to any area of the battlefield you want. Chaos of Darkness: Allows your Darkus bakugan to attack anywhere on the battlefield. Fire Tornado: Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your Pyrus bakugan. Green Nobility Violent Wind: Increase your Ventus Skyress by 100 Gs. Desert Thunder: Increase your SubTerra bakugan by 100 Gs. Shadowscratch: Nullify your opponent's Gate Card. Blow Away: Use your Ventus bakugan to move any bakugan on the field to any other Gate Card you want. Solar Plexus: Allows your Ventus bakugan to nullify your opponent's Gate Card and drop their bakugan's power level by 50 Gs. Magma Providence: Change your opponent's g power boost on their card to SubTerra. Feather Storm: Increase your Harpus' power level by 100 Gs. Face of Grief: Allows your Fortress to negate both your opponent's Gate Card and prevent them from using Ability Cards. Special and Fusion Ability cards, however, are excluded for this effect. Alan Ray: Increase your Manion's power level by 100 Gs. Face of Rage: Allows Fortress to transfer 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to Fortress. Depth Tornado: Increase your Aquos bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. Abyss Ruler: Increase your Aquos bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. Anthemusa: If you have an Aquos Sirenoid on the battlefield, you win the round automatically. Haos Stasis: If you have three Haos bakugan on the battlefield with one of the being Haos Tentaclear, increase Haos Tentaclear's power level by 100 Gs, and return every Ability or Special Ability you've used in battle back to your arsenal. Blue Stealth: Opponent's gate card is nullified, Transfers 50 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to Preyas. Forcing Waves: Increase your Aquos bakugan by 100 Gs. Solar Ray: Increase your Haos bakugan by 100 Gs. Delta Dragonoid: Increase your Delta Dragonoid's power level by 200 Gs. Spice Slayer: Transfer 100 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to your Darkus attributed bakugan. Hot Blast: Allows your El Condor to decrease your opponent's bakugan's power level by 100 Gs. Gazer Exedra: Increase your Hydranoid's or Dual Hydranoid's power level by 100 Gs. Dual Gazer: Allows your Dual Hydranoid to attack an opponent's bakugan on another Gate Card, along with the battle it is currently in against the opponent's bakugan on its own Gate Card. Also, increase Dual Hydranoid's power level by 50 Gs. Wall Burst: Decrease your opponent's bakugan by 100 Gs. Atomic Brave: Allows Clayf to steal all power Gs additionally given to your opponent's bakugan this round. Grand Impact: Increase your Hammer Gorem's power level by 200 Gs, and nullify your opponent's Gate Card. Aqua Cyclone: Allows Frosch to transfer 200 Gs from your opponent's bakugan to himself. Storm Breaker: Allows your Ventus bakugan to nullify your opponent's Gate Card. Turmoil: Increase your Oberus' power level by 200 Gs. If your opponent has more than one bakugan in the battle, however, choose which bakugan should be defeated and return the others to your opponent's arsenal. Destruction Meteor Storm: Increases your Storm Skyress by 100 Gs. Sparcap: Allows your Ravenoid to nullify your opponent's Gate Card, and increase Ravenoid's power level by 50 Gs. Sagittarius Arrow: If you possess Lars Lion in battle, shoot in all the bakugan in your arsenal and combine power levels. Velocity Fang: Allows your Blade Tigrerra to neutralize your opponent's Ability card and decrease your opponent's bakugan by 100 Gs. D-Strike Attack: Increases your Delta Dragonoid's power level by 200 Gs. Maximum Pyrus: Increases your Apollonir bakugan by 250 Gs. Spirit Eye Flash: If you have a Haos bakugan on the field, change the power level boost from your opponent's Gate Card to a subtraction instead of an increase. Items that look like this are banned. You may challenge someone through vm, pm, or a post on here. Here is the proper form to do so Lp ( 1000): 1000 Are double stands allowed?: First Player:
Has anyone ever listened to them? My favorite song of theirs is "Where Butterflies Never Die". I heard that they are also working on a new album.
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I found a line art on photobucket and decided to digitally color it. Comments welcome.
Constructive criticism is appreciated. Flames however, aren't. Avatars Signatures
What is it about four old women and one that is stuck in the past that is so entertaining?