Remember that thread I posted when I was depressed? Well I got better and now it's back again. It's mild but it's definitely there. I don't understand why it can't just stay gone, or why it keeps coming back. I don't want to see a shrink because I wouldn't be able to tell them anything to begin with. I just want to know why I feel like this every winter and not during any of the other seasons.
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Just gts.....
Saw this on another forum decided to bring it here. The first poster will say "Applecore" The second poster will say "Baltimore" The third poster will ask "Who's ya Friend" The fourth poster will name a user on this forum that's he friends with or not doesn't matter just as long as it's someone on the forum. This is the targeted user who will get hit with the applecore The Fifth Poster will throw the applecore at that user as be marked as the thrower of that apple Even if he didn't start the joke And then it repeats reactions are welcome if you been hit recently but you must post the correct line to keep the game going and I'll will keep track on who threw the most applecores and who got hit the most. Be wary folk the next apple could be thrown at you. *Apple Core hits me splatting me followed by the laughter of chip and dale* *picks up apple and eats it to a core* and with that the war is on! I'll start us off Applecore
Does this billboard make my Ad look big?
Long ago the Hamons and Celestrians were at peace. Each wielded two different elements, but they didn't attack the other kingdom... at first. The first people to strike were Hamons, or fire wielders. When they attacked it was winter, so their strength wasn't what it should be. Because of this the Celestrians, or ice wielders had an advantage. Three months later the Celestrians prepared for the attack by creating a barrier designed specifically to keep the Hamons out of Celestria. This didn't go as planned when the Hamons returned because Winter was almost completely gone, and Spring was right around the corner. Because of this the barrier was strong, but not impenetrable. The destruction of the barrier lead to the princess of Celestria being kidnapped. This lead to the war with a deal: If the Celestrians win the girl goes free. If the Hamons go free she will be dropped in a river without her ropes being removed. We start right after the war begins. Rules 1. Forum rules 2. This is a war. You may only have knowledge of one side because you may only have one character involved in the war. 3. You may control characters that aren't in the war, but you cannot give out details of the war. 4. Please remember that this is a war. Your character can die at any time, no matter what side they're on. Character Format Name Age Appearance Side Are you involved in the war? Bio Gender ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Auren Yalunski Age: 17 Appearance: Side: Celestrian Are you involved in the war?: Yes and No Bio: Auren is the princess of Celestria. She was kidnapped by the Hamons and is currently being held captive as we speak. She was always able to heal using ice which is something that is usually associated with the Hamons. Gender: F
I'm a Brony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't sleep!!!!!!! -_-
score: 9040
Seriously explain this to me.
Prologue It was a strange day today in the small town of Maccana. The trees were all covered in white sheets of snow. The ground was so full of snow that you couldn’t see the road. My mother told me that this was not a good sign. I laughed at her and wagged my tail as I placed my paws on the snow. I regretted it when I touched the cold snow because I fell into it and passed out. I knew that sleeping was the stupidest idea I could ever have but I’m a wolf so I’ve had stupider ideas. By the time I woke up my mother assumed I was dead so I slowly clawed my way to the surface, gasping for air. My cognitive functions weren’t working right now due to hypothermia and dehydration. When I finally gathered enough wits I realized that I was being watched. “What do you want?†I snarled at the wolf watching me. The wolf was a female, no older than forty-five. She was also about to have a family pretty soon. Suddenly I heard a strange gurgling sound so I ran away from the sound. The rest of the story is too mature for this forum. Apologies.
Lifeless Internally Shattered, My heart is chained. I cry silent tears, Hiding behind a mask. No one hears the scream of pain, No one sees the tears in my eyes. High Functioning makes my silence.... Seem as if nothing is wrong. No one feels the internal pain. The only person that knows something is wrong Is you my empathic friend. Despite the miles between us, Our connection is strong, Even if we haven't met in person. Can't you see into my eyes? Can't you hear my internal cries? Can't you hear my internal cries? Broken Lifeless Shattered I'm nothing more than an empty shell Looking for a home.
Seriously I'm cold!!! Though you probably knew that lol
Then why is it in the dictionary hmmm?