How do you defeat Seperioth In KHII on Medium Mode? If This Helps: Normal Level:75 Valor:9 Wisdom:3 Master: 4 Final:2 And I have the final Keyblade. KThxzBai!:)
hi!^^ :stupid: whats up?
i think if he was just a normal fighter instead of trying to beat up his waterclones it would have taken me just one time but it didn't :3 o well.
hi!^^ how r u doin'? :D
:stupid:um okay......
=D he's my sig :D
you were on the what to the whattt? O.O Awesome!^^ thats cool! you're so lucky! yeah i'll chck it out!
i always thought i was the only one to be picked on. I felt like no one could help or understand me. i'm afarid of: 1) losing family(again) 2) getting killed 3) getting kidnapped 4) getting bad grades. Ever since i was little i was always the one who got picked on. It didn't matter what school i was it seemed like everyone was against me. I got made fun of cause i wore glasses and was a nerd. I thought i'd never make it out of that mess. but when i got to high school i realized, people will always be mean, and nasty, and just plain rude. and you cant save the world AND be friends with everyone. You can't help but feel weak sometimes but its okay. To feel like that. You can choose who you want to hang out with and who you want to be. by the choices you've make it. :)
And thanks so much for it!:3
Oh thanks and yeah I know that, she's very scared. Too freaked out like a bunny. You know? We still don't know so that's why we are getting 1.
Thank you for the advice! Without it I'd be freaked out! I really mean it! Thank you!:)
Thank you for the advice! If you hadn't helped me I'd still be freaked out so thank you!:) I really mean it! Your the best!:)
Thanks for the advice! I'll try my best to help her, with the test thank you! If you hadn't given me your advice I'd be pretty freaked out! Haha!...
Haha! Nice :)
I'm a little scared, I saw your post but...I have to help her! I need to! If I dont I'll regret it, she's like a sister to me and when my mon died...
Um shure but I can't do it time I can okay? Haha! It's ok jaden! I understand!^_^
Changed my mind is that a bad thing?
Haha!^_^ No my best friend is possibly pregnant....but I'm going to help her! IDC what the cost is! I'll do whatever it takes!
Alice(Dance Version)-Arvil Lavigne
Oh I knew that, it's just that college prepares you to go out on your own and that you have to take your own responsibility. My dad told me that he had owned studen loans cause my grandparents(his) refuse to pay and made him chose a college of their choice...though he had a couple of scholarships and he had tell them to back off...interesting story first time he ever stood up for himself.