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  1. MandyXRiku4ever
  2. MandyXRiku4ever
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 12, 2013
  3. MandyXRiku4ever
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm back! ^.^

    I'm back! ^.^
    Profile Post Comment by MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 12, 2013
  4. MandyXRiku4ever
    Destiny Islands because there's two islands. Plus, you get eat ice cream, cool fruit, and there's more guys there too, so less drama.

    Plus, you'd get to be by the sea which is a bonus. Though I think if I lived there, I'd first check out the main island then hang out with the kingdom hearts gang. :)
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. MandyXRiku4ever

    Pet Peeves

    Pet Peeves:

    When people tell me that I'm smart enough to be a doctor
    This one gets on my nerves because well here's the thing: I tell people I plan on going into nursing school and getting a minor in Spanish and a minor in accounting. When I tell people that they turn to me to say,"Well, you're intelligent enough to get into medical school, why are going for a mediocre career?" (not in those words but you get the gist.) I have to explain to them that medical school is expensive and that plus, the school I'm going to, doesn't have a medical school (unless I wanted to be a dentist) so I'm just like, it's what I want to do. Yet they still think I'm wasting my time. But this is what I want to do, since it's my life. Plus, I have my insurance license so if I get my BNS I'll get to work for an insurance company if nursing doesn't work out.

    When people scream down the hallway
    I don't understand this one at all. It's like when someone screams at someone whose like fifteen feet away and you're standing next to the one who is screaming louder than a hungry baby. Ugh, how rude. Plus, it annoys me even more when they're phone is in their hand and they were just texting. Really? I think I lost some of my hearing because of that person.

    When certain fans go to far and make the rest of us fans look bad
    A few weeks ago, Niall Horan's brother was getting married. The wedding was crashed by a huge amount of fans who were only the ripe age of ten. I only like one direction for one thing: they have good music. That's my opinion, and I support it.....Now, if my mom found out what those ten year old girls did, why that wouldn't be pretty. There is a fine line between adoration and infatuation, to which those girls crossed it. But only to prove you're a directioner? That is just nuts. It's almost like the time there was a hoax that Justin Bieber had cancer and hundreds of fans shaved their hair off for him only to find out it was a hoax. It's just annoying how they've made t-shirts with phrases like 'so and so's wife' yet the girls are only the prime age of ten. I mean it's just an annoyance and it's getting out of control.....

    When people repeat you then laugh
    There's this girl in my history class who will repeat what I'm saying only she'll mimic then make fun of me. I think it''s pretty childish and it's like 'how old are you? four? yet you call yourself a senior in high school?', it's just rude and quite frankly it gets on my nerves to a point where it's annoying as a bird call in the morning. It's sad too when you think about it.

    When people think they're better than you
    Everyone has a talent. Some can sing, some can't. Others can act, while one could not. It's okay to know your talent and that it's your level of expertise, but when you think you're better than everybody else? It's an annoyance. Last year, this kid thought he was all that and a bag of cheetos. One day, after school while I was applying make up on him, he kept mocking me and told me that I wasn't worthy of putting on some blush on him (to which he believes to this day he is the next mozart despite the fact he can't put make up on correctly to save himself) so finally after that, I took a deep breath and told him to please be quiet or else I'll have Smiitle (the director/teacher in charge and knew I couldn't stand him) come in and work on him (which is something the actor's, even a big shot like him knew was a no-no) so he finally agreed. Then, when I was done, he still had the gall to go up to my supervisor and tell her that she needed to redo his make-up because I messed it up. Needless to say, I can't stand people like that. Arrogance is a pet peeve of mine, and those kinds of people irk me......But with this peeve, I've gotten better, even though I still have it.....
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  6. MandyXRiku4ever
    (I couldn't find my orginal work/poems/songs from before. If it has been deleted okay then. If not please put it with this moderators. I just need to rant.)

    A letter to Justin Bieber (if anyone finds this before reading my letter to him, & judges, please keep all opinions to yourself.)
    Dear Justin Bieber,
    Who are you? Like seriously, who are you? Are you fake or real? What are you? I'm not a crazed stalker fan who will go nuts. I don't hate you but I also don't love you. Does anyone get this? Hopefully. I'm writing to you asking for a favor, will you please give our choir advice on how to do better? Yeah I know it's foolish to ask you but all you have to do is send some advice. Really that's all I'm asking you to do.

    But I guess, I won't. Because I'm just a normal person and you're a pop teen sensation. Sorry for confusing you but I don't even know why I'm writing this letter in the first place. I shouldn't jump to conclusions but in what chances do I have of you, Justin Bieber not your manager, giving choir advice? Please tell me the chances. Heck I'll be surprised if you ever get this letter.

    I would like the real you to respond problaby won't. So excuse me for making assumptions that are problaby true.

    But do promise me one thing; be yourself. Not the record company Justin the real Justin. Like real maple syrup. Not the fake kind. The real kind.

    If you don't understand this, throw this into the fire. I'm not a stalker nor a hater. I'm just a person asking for advice & criticizing you at the same time. But can you blame no? Can you?

    I don't know either. If you know, then please do tell me. I saw your movie,(half of it) and I saw glimses of the real you. Before you became someone you're not.

    A friend.
    P.S. I'm not a stalker or a hater. Can I just be your friend? Awesome.

    Sigh I had had had to get that off my chest (don't judge!)

    Here's my song:
    As I walk past the crowd, I hear you scream my name.
    And you tell me at the top of your lungs that you love me.
    But why?
    Why do you love me?
    Do you even know me?

    You love my fame, my fortune, and the game that I'm in.
    You say you've found your prince charming as you scream at me when really,
    Your prince,
    Is problaby behind waiting in the car. Shaking his head and smiling at you,
    And while you don't notice I see what will happen,
    Eventually give up on me as I date some movie star hoping you'll find your dream.
    And when you do, girl I will be happy for you.
    So while you live that normal life,
    I'll be in the spotlight.(x2)

    There's you again.
    You say "We'll get married and be so happy together!"
    But as I listen I watch from the passenger side,
    There he is waiting for you again.
    And I see that sparkle in your eyes.
    I kept help but wonder if you know what you are talking about.
    If you knew the real me, you would run away,
    And never understand. Because...

    You love my fame, my fortune, and the game that I'm in.
    You say you've found your prince charming as you scream at me when really,
    Your prince,
    Is problaby behind, waiting in the car. Shaking his head and smiling at you,
    And while you don't notice I see what will happen,
    Eventually give up on me as I date some movie star hoping you'll find your dream.
    And when you do, girl I will be happy for you.
    So while you live that normal life,
    I'll be in the spotlight.(x2)

    While I find my happiness, you won't be disappointed by me.
    You will be happy and I will be glad for you,
    Because I know that I'm not meant for you.
    But I can't help but wonder is there a girl who can handle me?
    Who can handle this crazy life? And I don't want to disappoint you so I will sing for you,
    But girl you've got to understand I can't be your man.
    You'll have whatever you wanted but you won't understand me and I'm sorry girl.
    Will you ever forgive me for not giving...

    You love my fame, my fortune, and the game that I'm in.
    You say you've found your prince charming as you scream at me when really,
    Your prince,
    Is problaby behind waiting in the car. Shaking his head and smiling at you,
    And while you don't notice I see what will happen,
    Eventually give up on me as I date some movie star hoping you'll find your dream.
    And when you do, girl I will be happy for you.
    So while you live that normal life,
    I'll be in the spotlight.(x2)

    I'll be in the spot light.

    -um okay so I watched his movie & basically I put myself in his shoes. Okay? I'm not a fan, I just got inspired by Justin Bieber.
    I ask myself why did I get inspired? Tch oh well.

    Um later?
    P.S. I do not like him! I just got inspired by err him.
    P.S.S. Mods it's okay to delete this. Really. It's not important.
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 5, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. MandyXRiku4ever
    I thought the book dragged on but I did like the message. What I didn't like was how my classmates kept whining about it and how it was boring. I was never racist because of my family but there will always be racism.

    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 4, 2011 in forum: Literature
  8. MandyXRiku4ever
    .....I would wish for wonderland. So I could escape every once in a while. It's not a vacation. It's wonderland...

    What's your one selfish wish?
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 3, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. MandyXRiku4ever

    KH Class


    A/N: sorry for interrupting but may i please join?

    Name: Mitsuki
    Gender: Female.
    Class: User of the Keyblade
    Background Story: Mitsuki orginally lived in Radiant Garden until the heartless took over the world. Thanks to the light in her heat she was the only one in her family who had lived in Radiant Garden at the time that managed to escape. Where Miitsuki lived for the past ten years was with her aunt & uncle who lived in Travrse Town. After hearing about the schools, her uncle agreed to let her go.
    Other: Mitsuki may seem very mysterious & quiet. Her motivates remain unknow.Mitsuki doesn't talk much unless being forced to. At first she is quiet & cold but when you earn her trust she is actually a very optimstic girl.
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. MandyXRiku4ever
    So I'm on level 55 um let's see my HP is 125 and My Card Thing Is 1275z
    I can't defeat her.! and all the videos I watch are like in Japanese characters.
    So how do you defeat the ice witch.?
    Thanks to whoever helps meh.!:)
    Second time Sora And Her Collide When Sora Is Done Defeating Replica Riku....:D
    I'm not calling anyone stupid I don't want any confusion. Also I Don't Need Any Smart Mouth Ness.
    I just would like help.
    Thank you.!:)
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Jan 28, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. MandyXRiku4ever
    Profile Post

    Why would you miss me?

    Why would you miss me?
    Profile Post by MandyXRiku4ever for #8-Axel, Dec 22, 2010
  12. MandyXRiku4ever
  13. MandyXRiku4ever
  14. MandyXRiku4ever

    So KHV...

    A Habit That I Picked Up From A Friend Of Mine... Yeah I Know It's Werid But I Think It's An Addiction...? And Thank You !:) And Thanks Kelly!:)

    Yeah I'm Glad To Be Back!:) even if it's just for a short time!
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Dec 22, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. MandyXRiku4ever
  16. MandyXRiku4ever
  17. MandyXRiku4ever
  18. MandyXRiku4ever
  19. MandyXRiku4ever
  20. MandyXRiku4ever

    So KHV...

    ...I Have To Say That I Got My Own Username Confused With An Old Aol Screen Name. . . That's Kind Of Ironic Isn't It?XD

    I'm posting This In The Spam Form Coz:
    1) I could careless about how many posts I have.
    2) Me Being Coming Back Is Spam. Seriously.
    3) The People Who Don't Like Me Go On And Post.
    4) People Who Do Like Me...? Just Say 'Welcome Back'
    5) The Adminstratives Can Clean Up Smoothly.
    6) ASHKGDLK! I Missed Everyone!XD
    7) My Mood Is A Good One.
    8) XD This Is Just Gah!

    ((Not Real Bad Spam. Just saying hi.-R to Admin))

    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Dec 22, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone