that almost sounds hurtful
i keep forgetting about rep,i honestly dont see why we have it
i have the same problems
personally i think they should change it,whats the point otherwise? if there that worried about what fans want,why dont they have them vote on it
everything looks great!,hope the game looks as good
Esmeralda is strangely pretty
gotta agree with you on that one,its nice that we get see traverse town again but at this rate its gonna get a little stale before the game comes out. neku should be a party member,why else would you put him in. that last scene was pretty cute
i love buso renkin captain bravo is the best!
where can i try it?
is this one gonna finish like this first series did? dont worry i do that to
it was alright,like the others it just seemed kinda empty. the description of what happens to you in hell is so depressing
im in California is that pacific time?
if i get picked will i need a microphone?
5:00pm (EST) for mike is 2:00pm for me(California) ,weird
oh i see what u mean
who's shelke? is it just me or dose sora's clothes look darker then they did in kh2?
YES*throws hands up in the air and spins in chair*
i agree with you on that one i second the vote on ff7!
ive never needed a master code and there wasnt one i figured it out it was the rom i was useing i just tried a different one and it worked
ive tried them from a number of places