i also play - just started for a second time lvl:23 name: hyoropheon (i think i spelt that right) race: night elf class: druid (healing) profesion: herbology/alchemy realm: aggramor
you can explain to us then?
lol i'm not that suspicious am i??
don't lynch anyone, that would be no fun, wait patiently til tomorrow for your clue XD
lol iknow your not kira silly, your the shinigami :P and tbh i have never said those things XD
why am i always suspicious to you?
fixed issues today, so i should be good in the future so games started ehh :) wonder who it is
only if you buy me a yu-gi-oh deck
sorry i've been away, my net was down, however i've got it back for now (hopefuly permanantly) but we'll see with this spazzy router so i'm in next round
heyy fellow dead people, PM who you think it is, i wanna see if you got the same answers as me
same, all be it i was also kira as well as being dead
This has a habit of happening, killed right before the accusation. i think i was a classic case back in the day
Please give the details, its much more fun that way
lies, ima tell everyone your name it's lea
Dead person has duties too, heres an updated list SHINIGAMI: P Tikem KIRA: 1:??? (1 eye kill) 2:??? 3:TsumetaiTaichou DETECTIVES: Marcell Feenie Red Robin Arriana Terra 254 . : Tale_wind Bluekingboy Rikusorakairiown THE ACCUSED: ACCUSERS: Terra254 - Correct Accusation THE "INNOCENT": THE DEAD: Midnight Star Tummer Ienzo Axel-chanviii (SECOND TIME LOL) Christhor Makaze CLUES: Kira 1: 022-1 154-2 196-1 023-4 183-4 175-4 Kira 2: 141-3 089-3 165-5 HINTS: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex/ 004-1, 168-1, 246-6 = Cat ^.^ i love serebii.net XD Oh and i got those clues, that makes me clever XD (should have got them without those hints tho)
well the truth did get leaked in that other thread about the shower girl, and you perving on her :P
With or without you - U2
i'll try and eat them all to prove i'm innocent :P
stumble is the thing that just gives random websites right, i found an awesome game on it, never took its name hand have never played it again since
well it may be old but yea it was the first time i played it today