24 hours in - heres your clue 23-13-6-12-9 8-18-19-7 8-6-12-18-9-6-24 2-9-25-5 8-18 26-9-18-16 Red Robin was walking home from headquarters pondering the recent events with much thought indeed. He was clueless as to what may happen next, yet seemed very laid back on the matter entirely. So much so, he barely had time to notice the oncoming traffic swerving out of the way of a small child in the middle of the street playing with a ball that gotten away from him. Red Robin had but a second to react, but this would only be enough to choose which tires would be running over his spine. Red Robin was instantly killed in the incident. Red robin was ran over @ 21:35 22nd March Tummer proceeds with caution, walking alongside L to investigate the tragic accident, or possible murder, that befell Red Robin. Whilst discussing the details of the death with eye witnesses, Tummer lets L know that he will check the car for any possible abnormalities. As tummer approaches the driver side door of the vehicle and places his hand on the handle, the first bit of pressure applied sets off an explosion within the vehicle, burning Tummer to a crisp in a matter of a few miserable seconds. L stands shocked at the sight he just beheld. Thinking only now that this Kira is not to be taken lightly in the slightest. Tummer was burnt to a crisp @ 21:45 22nd March Both were name kills
Christor decided after doing much snooping around to surprise to just come out in the open and accuse Midnight Star of being kira she was completely shocked at the sudden accusation that she froze, and tried to come up with a valid argument against, however Christhor decided to take Fennie along, who kept objecting to everything midnight stay said, after hours of this christhor got bored and decided to present the vital evidence that would send midnight star to her death, the death note with her fingerprints on it. She lunged for the death note however christhor was too quick for her and put a bullet in her skull. As he walked away he declared Midnight Star Guilty
Rikusorakairiown's noisy, redneck neighbors are costantly shooting off their rifles into the woods and raising all kinds of hell in his nice little neighborhood. They often have late night bonfires that involved quite a large amount of drinking and led zeppelin music. While working in his study, a live 22 round that had been burning in the junk pile sudden fires off, rushing through the fence seperating their two properties and through his wall, and into his study. This bullet, of course, would immidiately penetrate his brain, thus killing him instantly. Rikusorakairiown died of head trauma @ 20:33 - well naturally there was a bullet in his head name kill
OK the wheels are in motion I've lost both notebooks how careless the will be picked up at 12:00 GMT today Have fun
always with the waiting :L have a new section called tsumetai's supervisor
okay 1 more player and i'll set the wheels in motion
i'll try not to set fire to the place :) ok then
i will be here for the next round
if your sure why don't you accuse him??
i've got it now thanks :)
awww i don't get it at all this time
well i did foresee this :P oh well kiras gonna be kira
an old ps1 game if i'm right, i reaally don't think you do anything on it lol
omg 3 deaths in one, epic deaths P random accusation didn't work damn it and heres an updated list
ooopppps didn't finish the message lol will do now
tale wind i love that pic of mijumaru in your sig bar and i use free accusation to accuse some random 6th person in the list who is -- Tale wind
My spirit pokemon is 254 - Sceptile which has been a constant part of my team since pokemon emerald. (sept i haven't gotten it in white yet :( )
yet again it's midnight star to go first
yea i play League of Legends, and i think a pokemon battle style like that would be pretty cool
i chose white version cuz my friend axel-chan is getting black. and i picked mijumaru as my starter pokemon (i can't remember its english name but i do remember its japanese name lol) - the water type