thank you Tikem and well done Curious x and i knew you'd enjoy julia..... i mean axel p.s. her name is not Julia, it just represents the fact that i wrote her name, and noticed last minute :P
I'll explain what happened in due time. After killing Axel-Chan with the Death note, mako tsunami handed the death note back to curious saying "kill me now. I can't live with the guilt of murder." so with a swift flick of the wrist curious killed him with a quick heart attack, muttering under his breath "looks like you weren't the apprentice i was hoping for" Having looked over all the clues again. Makaze and Feenie realise what must have happened, that mako and curious were working together, so they stormed into the office and saw Mako's dead body with a page lying on his body, thier names were written on this piece of paper, with a time of death, they realised then that they were too late, Curious then walked out from behind the desk saying "i wondered if i timed it just right." Feenie collapsed right in front of Curious, however makaze was quick enough to pull out a gun and shoot but since he was having a heart attack failed to deliver a killing shot. Makaze died. The bullet ripped through Curious' hand preventing him to ever write again. As he walked over their dead bodies, he said "Thanks for playing, you know your the third set of players i've killed. Game Over i suppose" and walked out of the room with the death note hidden in his pocket. Mako tsunami died at 01:00 - 28/03 Makaze and Feenie died at 01:20 - 28/03 Curious Walked away unable to write again but victorious. My explanation to Terra - the clues did all point to Curious as the Kira because he was for the majority of the game, as sone as all the L hints were put up he did the smart thing and gave away his death note, which saved his life, however it was given back to him after he had been accused
Mako Tsunami decided that after several tip offs from mysterious strangers that curious was Kira. so he stormed over to Curious place and raided the house looking for some incriminating evidence. however he did not find any solid evidence to pin it on curious. So he waited for curious to come back to the apartment. At 1:00 curious arrived at the apartment and was captured by mako tsunami where he tied him upside down by the ankles from the ceiling, and started spinning him in circles to make him confess, however this did not help, and all mako got out of it was being covered in Curious' vomit. Curious is innocent also if you can solve this, i will give you a major hint in who kira is. 11 21 12 11 12 31 13 12 21 13 22 31 23 22 21 13 42 11 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? I'm looking for 2 8 digit numbers
nope i didn't know that about lime and no its not a hint Axel-chan was wondering what to do after her trip in the TARDIS so she decided to take a think down in her basement,it was a large spacious room and had a large unused furnace in it, the furnace hadn't been active for several years so axel decided that she would relight the fire, as she was under the illusion of being a game character who could control fire. So she turned on the gas and climbed inside, she reached into her pocket to pick up her matches when she heard the door slam shut. in the panic she dropped her matches which somehow managed to cause a spark. since the furnace was filled with gas it exploded, incinerating all traces of axel-chan Time of death, 27/3 @ 20:34 Kira gets another eye kill - 2 eye kills remaining.
you like zombies , they like you :P
24 hours since last free eye, and no new accusation = KIRA HAS 1 EYE KILL
Ienzo you can't just put up your hint when your dead lol i know it looks odd but these hints have been recieved daily not all at once ok Tale wind was walking through the park when all of a sudden he was put in charge of a flower patch and was told he couldn't move until the wave of zombies had been defeated, he remembered playing plants vs zombies on his computer back at home so he planted a sunflower using up all the points he had, when he saw some sunlight fall from the sky so he ran out to catch it, but in catching it he burnt his body and collapsed to the ground in sheer agony, when all of a sudden the zombies started comming, the one sunflower that tale wind had planted wasn't enough to save him from the zombies who devoured him on the spot. Time of death 26th march @ 19:28
O.o really?
curious, a list if you would :) or if anyone else is feeling up to it
yeah sure, PM sent
Ienzo was coming home from the office when she remembered that she hadn't fed her fish in a while. She retrieved the fish food from under the sink and proceeded to walk over to the bowl sitting on the desk behind her futon. As she leans over to pour the food into the bowl, the rug under her feet gave way and she falls face first into it. Her head now stuck within the bowl, she attempted to keep her footing whilst using her hands to remove the bowl now sufficating her rather quickly. She took a couple steps back and bumped into the futon which caused her to fall to the floor. As her head collided with the hardwood, the glass shattered, thus forcing several large peices to penetrate her face, thus into her brain. She was killed instantly. Ienzo was killed 25/03 @ 21:17 (Name Kill) oh and because of this your accusation didn't go through and results in kira having 1 eye kill to use Well you questioned it so i guess i'm have to give you a free accusation and a funky story. well you all know the story of Doctor who, well earlier on that day on the 23rd of march a tardis apopeared in axel-chans bedroom and she hitched a ride taking her to the present day causing events of the past to have not happened. Axel-chan is alive
who knows, this time you are i guess
Terra254 decided at last to show how much he despised Tale wind by making him confess with bullying, with the constant calling him tail-wind he thought he was going to go insane so he screamed at terra254 that he was innocent then broke down in the corner of the room. The other detectives came rushing in to protect Tale_wind from terra and the declared him NOT GUILTY However facing his humiliating defeat terra ran and ran and ran to get away from the situation that had gotten out of control. he ran so fast that his heart began racing to fast and with the constant stress and humiliation his heart just exploded and he collapsed where he was, while blood poured from his mouth and ears. Terra254 died on 24th March @ 21:35 GMT At about roughly the same time Christhor had decided to start his investigations else where, so he started looking underground in the sewers, he stumbled across a skelington still clothed and wondered what had happened to him when he saw the Rat standing onto of the skull, he had red eyes that pierced into Christhors sould, and with an "eek, eek, eek" from the rat came a thousand more, they started crawling all over his body and eating his flesh off the bones. The finished eating at 21:35 on 24th March and Christhor was declared dead Oh and as axel-chan pointed out i now has a 3DS i'm sooo happy XD
Why Thank you, how ever it is 1 am, and being a well maintained shinigami i'm gonna return to my realm for some sleep
I'm almost 21 but for now i'm 20
Well it's posted on the original post, cuz i edited it, before i saw your message, so check there for the good story :)
Well naturally :L i haven't really told anyone here anything about myself. I'm also planning on going off to uni in september :)
Wooooooo just stared in my college's performance of Les Miserables and We will rock you and is now just hyper. XD I just love being on stage Do you ever feel like this after performing?
heyyyyy give me a chance, i was just writing a good story and i accidently posted the one thing
Thanks Christhor ^.^ - message me who you think kira is, i won't tell you if your wrong or right mind :) Axel-Chan was watching her favorite TV program again, the care bares, when all of a sudden a strike of lightning hit the house and fryed all electrical equipment except the TV. The red Care bare that was on TV started climing out of the TV saying "Play with me" as axel-chan went to pick him up he pulled a knife out of the TV (adverts eh, who needs them) and stabbed her repetendly throught the heart. The blood spirted all over the new furnature that she had purchaced that day. Axel-chan died on 23rd March @ 20:44 (Name Kill) KH2Man13 had decided after stalking Terra254 for the day after the death of Rikusorakairiown that Terra254 was guilty of being Kira so he decided to arrest him, whilst chasing Terra he bumped into a lamppost that had a number printed onto it it was 254, this furthered his suspicion of Terra. After stealing a parked car next to the lamppost he caught up with Terra and forced him into the newly acquired vehicle where he started beating him to a pulp to make him confess however halfway through this process he received a phone call from the actual Kira. "Meet me in 10 minutes at Starbucks and i'll give you the deathnote" He kicked Terra out of the car and raced to the nearest Starbucks, not wanting to stop for the level crossing he sped through it, however his car tyre popped on the tracks from a random nail, as he saw the train speeding towards the car he wished he'd listened to the TV and not raced the level crossing. The Train plummeted into KH2Man13's car crushing it, it exploded on impact killing him instantly. Terra254 is innocent KH2Man13 died on 24th March @ 22:13