bad times on me, this is the first time i been online, you should check if i've been online next time k thanks :P i free accuse ienzo
-27 lets go
i accuse.................................................... nobody - As usual i have no idea i think i'll wait for the clue
Thanks midnight x and i'll be happy to take up shinigami duties in the future :)
I'm in the process of moving so i don't really have the time to be shinigami sorry , i'll play detective tho
lol how unobservant :P and lthe list thing is like bribary lol
lol where did that come from
i need to make stronger clues / hints. its my lacking part at the moment
Well curious, you seem to be pro at this game. Curious was adamant that after solving the hint that had been given to L, that marcell was the Kira. The other detectives thought he was crazy but they went along with him anyway. They raided Marcell's flat whilst he was sleeping and after several minutes of searching found a list, the list was in order of all the deaths that had occured so far, and who was to die next and how, curious saw that he was next on the list so went in search of Kira imediatly. He decided to search the bookcase to find clues where he stumbled upon one book that looked out of place, "how curious" he thought to himself and pulled it, this opened up a trapdoor that led to the basement where he came face to face with marcell. Curious asked marcell how he thought he was gonna get away with it, and mid explination took out a gun and shot him whilst saying "I don't need to fulfil my curiosity" Marcell was guilty GAME OVER
Tummer was walking down a street , he was taking a short walk , a car came roaring past him he then noticed a metal wire attached to the rear of the car , as the car made a turn to the right the metal wire whipped to the left , where tummer was walking if the car was at normal speed the metal wire would have only whipped him and left a mark but due to the power and speed of the car the metal wire went right through tummers neck and made a clean slice. Tummer died on 1/4/2011 @ 22:29 There was a 24 hour gap between kills HINT - Tsumetai = Icy OMG I FAILED AS SHINIGAMI - I MISSED AN ACCUSATION Tale-wind had been suspicious of axel-chan for several days now, so he decided to take out all of the touture he recieved on axel to see whether she was guilty or not, first he started with mild electrocution, however she seemed to get turned on by this. So he tried a different approach, he burnt her plushy collection right infront of her, after breaking down that her favourite roxas plushy got burnt, he was forced to see that axel-chan was NOT GUILTY
Tummer had thought that the ever name changing red robin was acting suspicious latley so he took him into the dungeon for a chat, when they got down there tummer kicked him in the chest so he fell on to a board, where tummer strapped him down. and put a cloth over his face and started spraying it, ofter several minutes reb robin already thought he was drowning and started struggeling against the restraints, breaking several of his bones. tummer still kept this up until one of the other detecives came down and declared red robin NOT GUILTY. red robing was rushed to hospital to treat all the injurys gained and was perfectly healthy an hour later - technology these days, can do anything
Mako tsunami decided after capturing the first kira that we would take a wander through the local aquarium as he felt relaxed around water, then all of a sudden the podium of the legendary fisherman toppled over and impaled mako through the heart with the spear it was holding Mako dies on 31/03 @ 17:33 (Eye Kill) Christhor heard about this and imediatly thought kira was tale-wind as he had been trailing him the previous day and had followed him to that exact aquarium. He captured him and tied him to a chair where he started whipping him to make him confess, after the 100th blow and finallly drawing blood he had to declare tale_wind NOT GUILTY whilst on his way home Christhor was driving passed a Breakers yard, he didn't take note of it but then he suddenly jerked forward, his head smashing against the steering wheel causing the horn to go off, the car had been caught by a magnetised crane, the crane lifted the car up and hovered it over the car crusher, Christhor was unconscious so was unable to get out of the car. The car was dropped into the large rectangle, each pairs of walls closed in and slowly crushed the car with Christhor inside. Christhor died on 31/03 @ 18:29 Terra's accusation did not go through as the one he accused was dead
hmmm so my clue was too easy, now i'm upset. After Makaze's death, Mako Tsunami examined his house and discovered a list of addresses of whom may be Kira. After researching the addresses, he notices a certain detective who was in contact with Makaze after work, and who had failed to be present during yesterday's meeting. Immediately, Mako Tsunami and other detectives barge into Risk's apartment and sees him at a desk with pen in hand. He freezes, but hastily attempts to write a name in an open notebook, but was prevented in doing so due to the rounds of gunfire. RISK IS GUILTY Just an update - i will sort out the few other thigs i gotta do, but atm i'm gonna be late for m opening performance night
P was caught in a shadow game of yu-gi-oh and the stakes were life. P was winning with 7200 life points left, he'd already defeated 2 blue eyes white dragons and was feeling on top of the world, however his opponent used black hole to destroy all cards on the field. then summoned a third blue eyes, used monster reborn and call of the haunted to resurrect the other 2 blue eyes, P was finished as thier combined attack did 9000 damage. As he lost the game his duelling podium exploded leaving no trace of P behind. P died on the 30/03 @ 16:13 (Name Kill) CLUE KIRA 1 OzByP+RLMERixYsKhjqAuA== Hint Kira 1 CLUE KIRA 2 4b 69 72 61 20 69 73 20 72 69 6b 75 73 6f 72 61 6b 61 69 72 69 6f 77 6e 0d 0a
Apologises for no notice, but this round began - play nice 30th March @ 00:00 Makaze was wondering when the next case was about to begin as he was becoming very bored at not doing anything serious. So he decided to take a stroll through his local park, at the park he saw a group of Teens in hoodies and decided it would be a good idea to avoid them, so turned in the other direction, towards the lake. once he reached the lake he slipped on a rock and fell head first into the lake and smashed his head on the bottom knocking him unconsious. Now i don't know if you know this but if your unconsious under water you generally drown and die Makaze died @ 00:14 - 30/03 (Name Kill)
Sure thing, i'll make no mistake this time And first person to make a list can be list maker/round namer for this round
well other than axel, anyone got my name yet??
You won, you did me proud XD
@ Tikem and P who wants to shinigami this round then?? @ all i'm up for another round, any role ¬.¬
she does use a lot of fake names, but that means shes doing well here EDIT: when i say she, i mean axel-chan