If you do restart the DN game, i'd be more that happy to help run/shinigami it, i had mucho fun in that role :) and its nice to see a game of push the blame going on :P
lets see if we can get some interest in the game then
need some other game to play then if i can't play the DN game and i was shinigami once, i don't have the skills to relaunch the game
i wanna play it tho :(
okay :) bit of a shame tho :(
what or who is ICSP??
thats totally lame :(
wooooo thanks for the birthday message, i know i'm 6 months late replying, but i haven't been here in that long. so yeah thanks xx
So yeah, the question is pretty much in the title :) it was always my favourite thing to do on here :)
hmmmmm guess i'll rejoin here :) last time i played one of these here someone declared me the winner and then people were like he's not the winner cuz the threads still open after its 5000th post or something crazy like that anyway hi guys
yes tea would be good, i did try to come back in style, but i guess the duck song isn't popular around these parts
I'm at uni now with my very own internet, so i should be here for a long while :)
well thats almost true, they meet again in the duck song 3 someone catch me up to speed in all i have missed over the past 8 months
OBJECTION!!! that was in your fantasies, i like ducks, especially the duck from the duck song
yes AJ does ring a bell :P that wasn't your username before was it?
nekoki?? i don't know you :( and yes thats the story, its amazing :)
i thought it was really good :)
i heard its about grapes, and a man and a duck and lemonade :P
hmmmmmmmm i see this round is off to a kicking start to clarify i was in before the last round ended
hmmmm if only there were someway to join this game now. anyway i still don't have internet but i'ma play til my bestest ability in the next round btw i figures out kira for this round :P