i'm sure it will really fast, i seem to be healing really fast lately XD do you do any martial arts
ya housl just skip whatever your supposed to be doing and go see her XD
I have realised that i have not given my all to kh-vids and have decided to be more active
i', pretty good, got a massive bruise on my shin from shin hitting shin earlier on today whilst in my tae kwon do class tho
well i'll just use me free acusation when the time comes :P
Happy valentines day to all hope your spending it with the person you love x
Heyyy not much. just busy all the time. how're you??
Well as it stands i'm guessing your name is either easy to find out, or you know each other from outside of KH Vids as you may or may not recall you died from a name kill *tsumetai presents evidence A - the first kill of the game (Terra's death)* so if i were to see that one of you dies of a name kill again i may repull this comment as evidence for kira, but then again i don't think you'd do that, and if i'm wrong or way of the mark oh well XD Also just as a coincidence, i checked out both your profiles and your both 15 unless your profile pages are incorrect
you knew cuz it was a name kill right :P i'll keep tabs, you know each others names XD