is very busy planting Tulips and Daises.
Sway- Michael Buble
cooler than cool would be selling lemonade in the arctic to penguins...yep, that's cooler than cool
If you like vampire books I recommend Vampire hunter D, but be warned it is a bit more mature of a book. Tamora Pierce is a great author if you want to look her up. She usually writes heroine stories that place in the middle ages. Knights, theives, and magic. It's a pretty young read too. And if you like the old fairy tales (lil mermaid, snow white, etc.) try looking up the fairytales retold series. It's a collection of authors who rewrote the fairy tales into short books (around 150-200 pages or so.)
I loved Watchmen. A friend of mine wouldn't let me see the movie until I read the book. Their villian is probably one of the best thought out villians I've read in a long time (Harry Potter and Twilight's whole revenge scheme gets boring sometimes). You could actually walk away from the movie and book and be swayed into his thinking. It was such a great book.
If I had become emotionally attached to whatever it was...then I'd probably make a joke but feel mad at them still. I hate making mistakes, especially when people hear about them.
Knows how to light dynamite with his hands tied behind his back ( you know, in case he's ever kidnapped and placed in an abandoned mine with dynamite close by =D )
ooh, deranged randomness sounds fun. Could I join? (I'm not used to RPing, but I have read over a few others' RPs...yeah, I'm a noob -.-) Umm, I wanna be an OC Name: Clave Age: 15 Looks: petite, blonde short cropped hair, really terribly pale, blue-black eyes Personality: Think Navi (little faerie from Link) but personified and without wings, but also strong willed and thinks she's stronger then she is ... Do I need to add anything more?
ooh, they should invent nose-bandaids that fit perfectly on your nose and keep nose bleeds in check. And Marluxia 912 is amazing for that pic...squee!
It may just be that I'm a girl, but I don't think any of the girls in Inuyasha were really hot. I actually thought Kagome was a touch anorexic for a time...
Oh! You should name him/her Navi! That annoying little faerie from Link! (btw, I did not make this Kytara on Deviant art did...)
Oh, geese that was seizure worthy, ...WEEE! SPARTA!
Will die while driving because he was hypnotized by his siggy.
Isn't that where a word represents a sound? like BOOM! or something?
And even do it more because the law says to not do it -.-. Anyway, I personally believe in waiting until your married...whenever that would be...
I thinks it's an emotion. But I think 'no-emotion' is apathy...
Haha, that's how my school is too. Cheerleaders and dancers are made fun of and the artsy kids are all popular. Though the drama still exists.
Looking at the situation now (safe at home in front of the computer) I'd say to anonymously tip the cops off, even if they won't respond, just to feel like you did your part and don't have to feel guilty.... but, if I was in your situation I would probably roll over and try to sleep, tell my parents in the morning. I've always lived in relatively 'safe' neighborhoods. I don't have to worry about robberies or people kicking my face in. I can only imagine how freaked I would be if I overheard that and had to make the choice to act or not....and I probably wouldn't
I think it's just fun and funny. Good cosplayers, who put a lot of time into their outfits, actually kinda impress me. But the videos they put on youtube, meh, they're just having fun and I never watch them so they never annoy me. If that's their cup of tea then so be.
Same thing happened here, I couldn't get on for about a week, it just said that the connection restarted (??). Weird thing was was that I could get on the site on my school's computers but not the home computers...