Is Colbert's biggest fan, but cannot be Colbert.
Has a cold.
Is the creator of Bovine flu
Doesn't know I own a Death Note...
I can't remeber when I first heard of it. But I liked the idea of merging Disney with a video game. And the cover looked dark enough to not be too kiddish of a game (didn't stop my brother from ridiculing me endlessly...until he played the game :) )
Divertimento No.2 By Mozart
Will treasure those 20 seconds for the rest of his life...And later make a scrapbook dedicated to them.
But there's one major awesomeness point about the lightsaber. It can be used to deflect the blaster...
Yep, your family actually owns a black sheep that slightly resembles my cousin.
This sounds like the old stories of pixies or spirits that would lure kids out to dance at night and kidnap them (or give them a really nice gift). I really like it.
I understand that. But people who commit suicide may believe that death would be easier than trying to fix or bear with the life they have.
...oops, that was supposed to be silly string...oops, ...single string would hurt. You have a funny cousin.
Awesome perfectly describes Lelouch's multiple plans...that and 'inconceivable!' (for those who watched the Princess Bride =D )
oh, I know that. And I've kinda given up on FMA2. I prefer the manga.
I wish they would continue the series T.T I miss it.
With my flippy floppies!
Pirates! hell yeah!
Oh darn, I was so certain that was you... But you were the one who was jumped by the girl scouts with single string right?
HAhahaha, I love Ghost's...the ghost. lol,
Ooh, I knew I recognized your sora-like face. Last I saw, the police were tackling you to the ground. Something about a baby and some candy...