mmm, chocolate. We should offer cookies to anyone who joins the group! It could be like a Choji incentive! oh sugar rushes.:D
What's Fullmetal Kingdom? and... lol, confuzzeld is a funny word, kinda like twitterpated! and what are you confuddled about?
Is playing chess against Saix.
Has a job that requires them to create an oxymoron everyday.
Who spins flaming wagon wheels while wearing a loong flippy cloak. Axel! Cause he's just that awesome!
Loves puppies and rainbows.
haha, I dunno, it sounded freaky, but not evil. But the pokemon rap one was pretty funny! :D
Enjoys waking people up by pretending to be a rooster. The poor rabbit. Nature is cruel...Next life, I wanna be a hawk or something predatory!!
Spam Spam Spam. We should create a Spam festival to make more people spam!!!!
You feed rabbits to snakes D= *gasp* the cruelty!
...freaky. Um, does hand sanitizer work in guarding against swine flu? I don't want to catch it, deadly or not.
You were a rabbit's foot in a past life.
Clave lightly skipped up to the bus, swinging her bag. She couldn't wait for the camp. She got aboard the bus and quickly took a seat towards the middle and idly looked out the window quietly humming to herself.
I've actually heard from a few people who've made it that it's really good. Plus Roxas likes it so it must be awesome =3
The topic of gay marriage is actually something I like to learn about. It conflicts perfectly with a concept that's always bugged me. The separation of church and state is almost a joke (at least in the US). For crying out loud! our currency even says that we trust in God and God is mentioned in the anthem. It's obvious that church and government do mingle, but is that bad? The constitution is heavily influenced by religion, especially christian. The whole concept that 'all men are created equal' is based from religion. Religion has given the government a great influence on how to treat people. Their are a lot of references of military based governments and how cruel they treat their populace. Religion can influence a government positively. So how do we decide when religion is controlling the government too much? Btw, I do believe that gays should be able to access the same rights of married couples. The church may refuse to marry a gay couple in the church, but the government should allow gays to be seen as married in their system and given those same rights.
now remember kids, eat your fruits and vegetables before they eat you.:)
If you get heartfreeze, does that mean you get brainburn?
oh noes! evil comes in the face of cute!! No where is safe!!
Is the secretary's personal secretary. (oh, the redundancy!!)
oooh, and don't forget Sea World! <3