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  1. kitty_has_claws246
    No worries, we'll take good care of your soul. Nightly walkies, square meals, and only a lil bit of fiery destruction =D
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_has_claws246
    yeah, I'm gonna try to do her justice. And not make a fool of myself, maybe. I make no promises =P
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 25, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. kitty_has_claws246
    ooh, i like candy man. We should create a billboard for the group and advertise naruto's awesomeness with food.
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. kitty_has_claws246
    .. so if we cheer for namine and roxas we're cheering for kairi and sora? phooey, I prefer the nobodies!
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. kitty_has_claws246


    I think that if enough people believe that the world will end on 12/12/12 then they're going to cause chaos and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if that does happen, I'm laughing at humanity and moving to mars.
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. kitty_has_claws246
    Lulu is amazing! (and I'm saying this trying to mimic Shirley's voice, I get to cosplay as her in an anime con soon! squee!)
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. kitty_has_claws246
    I liked the bagel. Wish Einstein's made em that way. yum!
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kitty_has_claws246


    My cousin thought my dog was a cat. She figured out Misty was a dog when she tried to pick her up by the scruff of her neck...
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kitty_has_claws246
    I like cats! They're sweet yet aloof and so contradictory. (plus, they're like mini ninjas, well, some of them =3)
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  10. kitty_has_claws246
    I highly doubt that I would feel offended. They aren't judging me on my character, but on how well I can act. (Plus that would be a big role, so I might be happy that they think so fondly of my acting)
    But if I was asked to play the role of a villain who was known for how they look, as in Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter, then I would get a little offended (I think there was an article about that I think, but I can't remember the date or the newspaper)
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. kitty_has_claws246
    Ahh, they look like a shoe and a sock had babies! how cute =3
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_has_claws246
    I'm alright for the idea of plastic surgery. If someone really wants a bigger bust or smaller nose, fine. For medical reasons, I see plastic surgery as a very useful surgery for patients.

    My only dilemma with plastic surgery is that it's become such a high-paying fad that it's affecting other people now. Dermatologists want to book plastic surgery patients instead of patients who truly have a skin disease because plastic surgery pays better. When plastic surgery starts to take up doctor's time from taking care of real patients, then I am against plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons.
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 10, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. kitty_has_claws246
    What if you have no water around? Could you just add powdered water to the powdered water and get water to add to the powdered water?
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kitty_has_claws246


    It'll be ok. Pass or Fail is not the rule of the world. This one test is stressful but you'll live through it. And your parents will be there for you. You could even ask your mom to help quiz you for the test

    And breathe and take a break from studying, do something active. And drink Chai, it's delicious!
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  15. kitty_has_claws246
    Wee for the middle ground!

    I think it's impossible to tell who's superior. Boys and girls will always be going back and forth between oppressed and oppressors. There won't ever really be a time (in our lifetime at least) that men and women are on perfect equal footing so that we can figure out who's better. Ta Daa!

    Personally I think cats beat them all. =3
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. kitty_has_claws246
    I'm actually kinda for it. I don't think it helps a relationship but I think it would be wise to stop making sex such a forbidden thing. Adam and Eve couldn't hold up against forbidden stuff and neither can we.

    I also think that society should focus more on teaching teens how to be responsible and the outcomes of sex instead of "have sex and you will die".
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. kitty_has_claws246
    Oh Noes! I need to panic!! *runsaround*
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kitty_has_claws246
    I wanna try deep fried socks.
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_has_claws246
    D: It's just like Watchmen all over again!
    Post by: kitty_has_claws246, May 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kitty_has_claws246