Artsy .
Ooh, My dad was part of the military until I was 12. We had to move every 2-3 years and I was a new kid every 2-3 years. I hated it sometimes. It got to the point, where when I was 8 I promised myself to not make friends so I wouldn't have to leave them again. That lasted all of 2 hours... but I still keep in touch with her so it's all good! sorry I was rambling. all-in-all being the new kid isn't the worst thing by far, for me, but I'm glad I don't have to jump around schools anymore.
Expert .
I keep thinking candy. =9 hmmm, candy!
Freshie... in college! my classes start the 27th... which be so much better if I lived up at the dorms -.-
Dear Future me, Don't trust the dogs :B|:
you know, whenever I see guys wearing skinny (as all heck) jeans, I always think of Jack Skellington.
O.o you are a very scary person. Cause I would be the person 40 yards behind everyone else saying " I'm tired, shouldn't we be heading back soon?"
red (tralala)
kingly kitty is kingly
I think you'll find atheists of all kinds. I'm an atheist and am open to the fact that a lot of people believe in religon, I wouldn't like them less or more based on that. I think I've placed such a low amount of concern onto religon that it just never bothers me. Only cases like the inquisition bug me when it comes to religon.
I believe the meaning of life is to experience what you can and to make the most of your life. Live it to the fullest. And mostly I believe this cause I think it's kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I think that's the point in life, then my life will be more like that. (I hope)
The short guy was my fave, gosh it looks so weird now though.
gasp! I call eating Cherry!
ooh, or it's the pokemon, they can do some pretty creepy stuff.
haha, i used to do that, but then i got lazy and just jumped onto it and rode around.
you did his mom dead? 0.o eeeeh
Ed would love you for using the term "ed" and taller" in the same sentence.
hehe, until me and my friend (as Kallen ;P) hijack the mechs and drive around like crazies!!!! waaaa!
what if there is no door? or it burned down? or is locked? GASP!! WHAT IF WE"RE STUCK IN THIS THREAD FOR EVAHHH!!! AAAH!