W.T.F yeah. that is unbelievable. I'm not saying its bad or anything, but I dunno...I don't want to say what I want, since Ill probably be flamed =/ LULZ. but its kind of funny. no more Zoey 101 <3
yeah me too. I just don't like the buttons and the user part of the posts, but everything else is nice =]
dude. I have an urge to play the song now >.> -EDIT for inappropriate words- XD
it looks brilliant. good job to whoever made it =]
OR: before you skip school, remember if you have the key, or if your brother does >.>
Hi, welcome to KHV follow the rules, be nice, behave, and post lots PM me or a mod if you need help or advice =] HAVE FUN ~NP
so the second post of the first for you? okay so. i guess the person bellow me o_O
stop it PEOPLE your making me uber zealous. congratz babe =]
D: i'm talking about one person.
beauti. =] the font is small yet readable, good, and it bolds the key words, more good. the image is hott xD amazing background the only thing wrong is that the green lines look like they are sprouting from its face D: but GJ
... posthere>: I've been thinking about you :3
I need a PSPPPPPPPPPP I'll just steal one ;D but that looks great. Not to far or too soon =]
Hi Tory: behave, be nice, and post lots welcome to KHV =] ~NP
D: my jealousy. CONGRATZ =]
lulz. that little stereotypical *******. don't listen to him. >.> Obviously that kid doesn't know what the hell EMO is.
anyways, I read it, one of it. its good my friend read 4. XD I want to read more, but I don't have any copies.
lulz, my reading is very bad. I mistakened it for "I've been drinking beer for the past 2 hours" That would be bad. But w/e =] Anyways: behave, post lots and be NICE have fun, and welccome to KHV ~NP
Hello there: Post losts, behave, read the rules. have fun and welcome to KH-Vids Forum ~NP
lol. I have to do it. still. since its highschool, they don't let that go. D:
yep. i hate it too, since I have to do the project and present it xD