Thats good =] Hmm, but some people are actually bystanders, but they don't want to help because they don't want to be treated the same way. And my brother just tells me his generation is the best =/
- SOME country music. like hillbilly-sih xD. but I still do like some country, like The Wreckers or Sheryl Crow. - I actually like screamo. not like A LOT of screams, but a bit is okay. - I like hip hop. seriously, anything dance-able. BUT i hate poser crap like Soulja Boy, or 50 Cent, because they can't rap. They just talk really fast. In my opinion, music has to touch atleast one person. Like touch their feelings. And NO "Super soak that hoe" does not touch anyone, except maybe some pervy 40 year old virgins. - I hate some DJ mashups, since some don't do it right. - Some pop, like when the artists have distorted voices. that doesn't mean they can sing *paris hilton//britneyspears//etc* - OMG I HATE REGGAE. Sorry. I just don't like it =/ thats pretty much it. I like a lot of music :3
I'm on the 7th episode :3 so no. xD But i do hear its good, from my brother who finished the whole series in a week.
Yeah. Kind of true. If your implying that we think about ourselves more than others. in some cases, thats true. but then there are FEW people that do care about others other than their own needs. Like this kid I heard, was looking for The Wii, but it was sold out everywhere. But then, he got it, but he decided to give it to some needy children. Which is unbelievable. I think more people feel sorry for other people, but do not help them. I have to say I'm kind of like that, but not always.
its okay , I sleep in French class all the time =] anyways, hello. someone should really move this to INTRO. ::behave, be nice, post lots. and follow the rules :D have fun. welcome to KHVIDS. you joined on its birthday =]
yeah i know :3
I don't really listen to the instrumental music in games :3 but my favourite song would be Simple and Clean fron KH1. And I really like Roxas' theme, since I played it so many times (in KH2, for my lack of a memory card, or a ps2 =/)
yeah xD but its more fun to count
sleep, read, write, do homewok >:, go on KHV, go outside, go swimming (in winter LULZ), i dunno o_O
lulz. NO. for the love of God. PLEASE we do not need another effed up person. Eg: Britney Spears
D: only 2 now.
no. /fill/
OH. okay. damn. >.>
oh. D: its out. LINK PLZTY??? epicly failed. i know.
yeah xD. I actually can't even see their names. and yeah? Hmm. Orange, that would make sense xD
D: I don't get it what song thing.
*throws confetti at passers by* "BISHES, JOIN KHVIDS." happy birthday :3
shiz. happy birthday o_O but if I do say so myself, the Pink does look really nice in white =]
I can't vote D: because I write stories, chapters you can call them, but end up not finishing them. But I do finish them in my head xD I have about 6 unfinished stories. >< My cycle: Think of it, prepare to write, write first chapter, read first chapter, realize how bad it is, throw it out. done =]
that is so much better than the original D: