my computer has XP too. my brothers has some crappy crack version of vista :3
oh kay... I have that "vista" too. its shiz >.> and I guess I am too.
no its okay =] I should have been more clear. Umm, I think its just that everyone should do something that they LOVE to do, and I think sex is the thing that everyone has in common. So basically, the people who thought of this wants to make everyone happy at the exact same time, so they don't think about anything else.
hello =] welcome to KHVids, hope you have fun. be have, follow the rules, post lots, be nice, etc.
HI! lulz. i love your energy. anyways. have fun, behave, be nice, and post lots welcome to KHVids =]
hey, welcome to khvids =] have fun, behave, be nice, post lots
Hello, welcome to the forum. behave, be nice, post losts have fun =] ~NP
please be mature about this....D: WARNING. its not that pretty.. - So on December 22nd, its Global Orgasm day. And basically, at the exact time of solstice, everyone in the world has sex. Okay, i'm not saying this as a joke, its actually true, I'm just wondering what you guys think about it. I heard about it on the radio >.> They say it was done last year as well. The point of it is to get all the good energy vibes you get...when...yeah and putting it in the Earth's environment, so everyone is happy. Anyways, its about war too. Its like you do this for PEACE not war. ANYWAYS, what do you guys think? It's really...yeah.
No. Life is more than a videogame. and everyone should no that. there is no play, start, undo buttons in the world.
YO. xD sorry. I haven't talked in here for a while...
just keep staring at it. Or go to User Portal to refreshen your eyes. but its still nice
don't stop, get it get it. sorry. i love them =/ anyways CnC: the right side is a bit dark. The image is nice, but try lightening the surroundings a bit so it looks balanced. The rest is lovely GJ
D: I haven't seen a green pokeball in liek. NEVER
*points at number* yeah. me too. 6 huh? DAMN
render- negatives: whole body, position, posture. the colours don't mix. You need some rhythm and flow, the basic principals of art. Orange and Yellow, as dark as those, never mix. Green doesn't help either. Try some tutorials. I suggest going to google and posting Signature Tutorials. And find some nice brushes. Heres a tip: instead of brushes coming out from the edges, try from the render. Also, sometimes, its better to use a picture instead of a render. So you can do more with it, instead of being left with a blank canvas.
agreed. but lets add a few? Obnoxious, Cold, Envious.
Kagome: DO NOT GET ME STARTED. no its not because of the voice >.> Kikyo: shes dead, now go to hell allready. (from Inuyasha) Light from DN: makes the anime amazing, but is such a dumbarse. Sakura from Naruto: God >.> zomg Sasuke, SASUKE! rape me now. a lot more. but I can't think of any xD
lol. yeah same. but some of the people I hang out with, I don't like that much, but i'm trying not to dump them, because that is such a hateful thing. But the reason I don't want to hang around with them is because first impressions decieve a lot of people. Oh God, i'm so annoying in the halls, I always talk about things like that in class. Like politics and our generation. My teacher in gr. 8 told us all that we must be good people, and all these things that we are talking about right now.
I've told a lot of people to stfu but not for the reasons you said. I say it because people try to demean someone. And yes, our society is egotistical. Umm, there are a lot of phonies in the world. In my school, for instance. Some people follow others to be "cool" and its stupid. Theres some people I hate, they hang out in a huge clique, thinking they are such amazing people. Its disgusting to see how they talk to some people
I like it. Actually, sharpenning it will make it look too bolded, but now, the person looks good, as if hiding, but is the first thing you see =] The borders are nice too. I love it. great job