zomgsh. ur liek all new and stuff. we are so gonna bond <3
ooc; WHAT?!?!?! i missed the last battle and the engagement >.> anyways. Lauren smiled and sat (???) down with the others. my text looks so sick in this white backsplash.
Harmonicas & Tamborines- Hot Hot Heat
Its a remake of a japanese movie, so no thanks. its just that all the movies that are remade SUCK yeah. you've all watched the grudge. =/
ooc;....soo...whats happening xD
yeah. thats kind of old xD but its okay. I got really excited when I found out lulz.
Marianas Trench- Shake Tramp
lol. yeah. there aren't many GIMP tutorials >< but a lot of PS tutorials can be translated into GIMP.
oh okay. uhh. try this tutorial: its GIMP http://www.gimp-tutorials.com/tutorial.php?l=315
uh, its PS. I never used GIMP but it might be translatable.
LULZ sorry. that was funny ><
I fell in love with them because of an IPOD commercial xD they are really good. Try their songs: Flathead (iPod commercial xD) I guarantee you have listened to it. Chelsea Daggar Whistle For The Choir Baby Fratelli Creeping up the Backstairs For The Girl etc. Heres their sites: http://www.myspace.com/littlebabyfratelli www.thefratellis.com/
she means is it YOU singing it or an actual band. and do you have a jukebox? or does it play when you open the page?
nicely sang =] I couldn't really hear you since Jorden was in it, but I did notice where you began, and it was amazing
LOL. you have a window cleaner? :3 i have to clean the windows myself
Hi =] Welcome to KHVIDS you'll love it here.
its not that bad :D I don't understand why you're saying your bad >.> anyways. The render is nice, but I suggest using colours that match it. The splatter or distortion around the sig is nice, but it doesn't match anything on the signature. Try softening that up. And also try Filter>>Brush Strokes>>Angled Strokes. The background is really nice, but try darkening it up. Use some C4Ds and put some more effects. Tutorial: http://psprofessor.billzproject.net/index.php?forumsignatures. The text and the drop shadow does not match the signature. Try Arial Black, Century Gothic, etc. In bold, and in caps. The black [brushes?] aren't very nice with the background. And try a texture and gradient maps.
agreed xD I really want to see it, everyone loves it, all the critics and people, and they are usually right xD It looks interesting.
lol yeah if you want. but I don't have the PSD file. But I can just clip it or something. Ill try later =]
ahhhh no one is talking >: