i'm bowing at this moment.
i usually don't like large avatar, but this is nice =] the font could be different, but I love the image. great job ^^ try making the small font smaller xD And let us see his mouth ;D
er, this post is awkward and confronting. I don't hate you, BUT I don't know you either so...yeah. don't ask this question yet ^^ [/niceness
lulz ^^ 60 more posts and you'll be pink.
Pokemon, Dragon Ball GT, Sailor Moon (definitly), and Yugioh DEFINITLY pretty much all of the above xD
Death Note & Eyeshield 21 xD they are awesome.
omgsh. if every game was like mario super galaxy way, that would be awesome. but i just found out i'm supposed to go to some grandpa's house xD
@Nymph: XD yeah agreed @Guardian: really? I played all of them, but only finished the second one >< because I suck liek that xD I'm supposed to get food for some guy and this other guy isn't giving me it >:
who wouldn't love to go to a school where all you do is play video games? i'm playing the game: megaman battle network 6...and i suck at it ><
more amazing: he can balance it in his monkey hands D:
hmm. I think I threw up a bit.
lulz. I don't celebrate >< but my mom said maybe before. which always means no, go to sleep. Oh and I have an Xbox...with no games =/
Goodnight- Hot Hot Heat <3
a tootsie roll o_O
D: I have a broken ps2, 2 broken segas, 1 damn ps1 from saudi arabia which doesn't even work in canada, 1 useless gb, and 1 computer-hack-gba. yeah. i don't have much >< and all I got for a birthday was people screaming in my ear "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
lol. my uncle found one in a taxi. =/ and gave it to his kid. *stabs*
andz Digimon cures it >:
lulz that song rocks >< Hot Hot Heat- Bandages
Middle of Nowhere- Hot Hot Heat - - - - - Outta My Head- Ashlee Simpson xD ^its actually a very good song.
darn it. i don't have a psp =/ now i'll feel all envious.