*looks at invisible tree* i got nothing. har. i feel real envious >< damnz you, i want a laptop >:
its nice =] The heart is changing colours too fast. so try slowing that down. but thats it
lol. me too. I am like a foot taller than my mom ><
I am horribly affraid of shadows, not the dark, but shadows. especially when your alone, at night, walking home.
OH I thought you meant gender wise o_O anyways seriously, they shouldn't be all homophobic.
damn it Vivi, your making this all confusing >< its too much for my small, meek mind. Learning Is a Clumzy Urge
uhh, what do you mean?
I have math and art with him. he think he's greezy, he thinks he is all ghetto since he's from mab. i'm not kidding, a lot of people are annoyed of him. he's annoying me so badly. Like, I'm from mab and i'm not even close to what he thinks he is. and he gets all offended when people say he's big, but then he says Syda is big too >.> omgsh. I wanna throw a huge rock at him.
learn in corporate undergoings.
PWNED xD @Muffin: lulz. yeah? but its worse when grisha and some kid do some stupid dance, which they can't do. I'm always shouting "STOP IT, you guys suck so badly" PLEASE TELL ME YOU THROW PENNIES AT GREGGORY. that will make my day. he keeps saying he's all ghetto and "greezy" i wanna bish slap him >>
>< I'm 5 foot 5. ah I picture Vivi with a cowboy hat and an electric guitar, taking lunch boxes from little kindergarten kids and holding them up high.
LIEK, I Can't Urinate
you guys are all cruel to short people >:
EXACTLY. lulz. so much for an Atomic Bomb. That is really sad. The revolving Sun part is just pathetic... LiveSTRONG <3
lulz in my math class, some losers try to do the soulja boy and the crip walk. which they can't do. which I keep pointing out. but they still do it =/
Champagne Supernova- Oasis xD "where were you when we were high???"
lets see. singing when i'm listening to music... and always banging my pen in class like drums >< OH, and I always shout out answers... and I always put my feet up.... I also always swear at people....
wow. roxas looks mighty fine in that picture. you've given many people hope that they will sneak up on them at night ;D anyways, HAPPY CHRISTMAS <--BRITAIN WAY <3
life is country urine =/ that was sad
lulz. don't spam or we will nub you for all eternity