[video=youtube;cVPk_d0EVd4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVPk_d0EVd4&feature=more_related[/video] Hey everyone. Sorry for my late show. kuro yes my school got out of hand but thats nothing compared to my head . kuro Ony a few i have to do about 30 assignmets a week. kuro Either way I move i don't mind. kuro Yet something I should know is what was it that i missed? kuro
hay there bakura
you still dueling?
[IMG] i don't think feenie's coming back he said this when i asked if he was still in the arena I dunno, maybe, I'm not actually too sure. Just...
[IMG] k
[IMG] thats to bad did you want me to tell jaden?
[IMG]are you still in the yugioh arena?
sorry i'm late to say this happy birthday
i edited it ment to say it once also that just what everyone does it its only natural for people to keep things bottled up. im sure everyone here is doing so no matter how much they let out like i said i need an easier challenge XD... or someone iv never faced
in reality i don't completely believe in the term friend anymore if that makes you feel better so thanks for being nice :) anyways im serious about wanting to duel someone its been making me grind my cavity at night its been 3 days
i have alot of problems but nobody cares about what i say so whos free to duel
ok im gonna say this now i didnt want to say it there but your problems are simmilar to mine the only difference from what you last said is...
beware if i duel anyone i will be easily confused iv been listening to to much touhou again
nope i don't have it :\
i could to but i like this alot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n14BlhyzO5Q&feature=related
[video=youtube;rumoubUaY90]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rumoubUaY90&feature=related[/video](add this to end of video)but thru music [video=youtube;0jnCcejkpjg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jnCcejkpjg&feature=related[/video]