but your extra cards may help it out XD
belive it or not i was using mariks strucure deck jayden said my light sworn/batteryman deck was better
yu-gi-oh World Championship 2008 jayden said he likes this game aswell
I'm using a water deck i made in my game LP: 8000 Customs: no Anime Exclusives: no Video Game Exclusives: None God Cards: yes Hand Refill: None First Player: you Number of Cards per Deck: 60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): nope
that guy was halarious though XD
what are you one of the big 5 XD (the penguin one that never stops talking about peguins in the abridged series)
same i just make em up
nope i didn't expect that card im dead good game indeed put like i tell jaden the more i duel the stonger i get and every tme we duel i find another way to destroy your deck ----------edit-------------- i just realized i rymed im going to try and make a dark deck soon for marik's attribute
that was a little surprising Draw Phase)))))))))) 1 card in hand Main Phase)))))))))) i summon a monster in facedown postion thats all for now end phase)))))))))))))) M zone 0 cards in hand
i need to redo my turn then
i thought you only discarded one O_O when did you discard that one
every time i duel you it seems im 90% vitory but then you do a little come back and win in the end end phase))))) this is not going to end well 0 cards in hand ---------EDIT--------- i thought it would go back so i didn't think i needed to put anyyhing there i thought my field was empty XD field M zone T/M zone
clever yusei i'll take controll of your dragon Battle phase))))))) and attack
Draw Phase)))))))))) Main Phase)))))))))) are you ready for your one way ticket to the shadow realm heres your ticket Dark world dealings i draw and discard electric virus what do you discard to yusei
i activate this now you lose 7000 life points
no objections continue