OOC: He wasn't going to go Psycho on them x.x He was just going to go have a chat.
OOC:Why do you keep porting him away?
Nexahs face was hidden in his hood as he stood perfectly still and in a moment he dove into the Vels portal before it could be re-directed. He slid across the ground and slammed his head into a rock, passing out. OOC:He owned himself XD
"So what do you want to do next?" he asked Nerx while walking along the edge. He was not sure what to do now that he got his memories back.
OOC:Sorry guys I have been busy lately getting ready to go to college. I will try and post more. Lol Nexah is havin mood swings x.x BIC: He looked at the bird. "How about I say no? I don't think I will participate in this little concert. You can go ahead and tell EAM that she knows where she can put her little concert. Try and interfere with my transportation and I will kill you bird." he said. He then opened the corridor again and headed to the spot he was heading for again.
I am curious as to what happens to Riku
Its ok, I am fine with it the way it is, thank you anyways.
Nexah stopped and then shot a Dark Aura blast at the bird. "You don't order me around!" he shouted. "Thats it, enough of this. I am finding Sora myself." he said. He then opened a corridor of darkness and went to the location where he first saw Sora.
Ok, good night
did you block his slash or what? you didn't respond to that part
......not gonna say anything X3
He continued his attack on Xemnas anyways and swung his Keyblade at him in a short acurate horizontal motion.
XD that could have been worded better
Ohhhhhhh ok then. That makes snese.
Nexah ignored the words in his head and focused on Xemnas. One of the laser struck his chest but he pushed through the pain and charged again and blasted a Dark Aura shot at Xemnas and made his keyblade appear in his hand again.
when do i see the surprise?
ahhhh what is it? I doubt it can freak me out
He jumped to the right to dodge his own blast and continued charging at him. He summoned several NeoShadow heartless to go ahead and break the barrier. He then threw his keyblade in a spinning motion at Xemnas.
I think I know what it is. Soras actions revealed it all x.x
His eyes narrowed and Nexah charged at Xemnas. When he got close he fired a firaga blast at Xemnas.