That video was a help, I wonder if there is a way to fix the character models
Oh wait i found the thread x.x
Try telling him that he is an irreplaceable part of your family and that this wedding is a special occasion that everyone would like for him to be a part of. Let him know how much he means to you guys and how much better it would be if he was there. Does this help?
I am ok, how about you?
They haven't released any information yet. I believe it will be in like 2 years probably.
Salem quickly wrapped his magic wing around his body which took the blast.However the Dark Aura knocked him out of the sky due to the fact the wing was now damaged. After a twenty foot fall onto the beach, Salem pulled himself up and put his hat back on and took off the damaged wing. He would have to repair it later. He then jumped up and cast gravira on the isle that Riku was standing on.
Yes, cause your a cool person to rp with.
Ahh, thank you so much ^_^
Salem brought up his keyblade in defense and blocked Rikus attack. As the two keyblades were pressed against each other he looked into Rikus eyes and had a flashback of his friend Kalo which caused him to loosen up and get another cut but this time on his right arm. He shook his head and flew back away from Riku. Damn, I need to get a hold of myself. He then shot a Firaga blast at Riku which as usual split apart before reforming on Rikus location.
By the time Riku launched his blast Salem swooped in and flew through the dispersing energy and made several slashes at Riku while still in the air. "Friends have no place in combat" he said as he attacked
When Riku jumped over his spinning slash he kept spinning to try and stop Rikus attack. He almost blocked it but only resulted in getting his left arm cut. Salem was now facing Riku and charged him again but this time jumped over his head and his magic wing flapped and lifted him into the sky where he fired a Dark Aura blast at Riku.
Imagine Lex as a Speech teacher XD
Salem jumped backwards after the keyblades made contact and he did a spinning slash towards Riku. His mind remained blank and was reacting purely of off instinct of his training.
Ok I edited my post, requesting Xiggy
So this boy had a keyblade as well? It didn't matter which one it was, this boy must have strength and so he would battle him as well. The other boy would be next. "Very well" he said and then charged at Riku and swung Soul Eater in a diagonal slash going from upper right to bottom left.
You should have Vexen be the science teacher since he is a scientist x.x Make Xiggy the Drama and I will be Xiggy, if that is an ok change
Why did this boy need to know so much? Perhaps he was a friend of The Boy Who Holds The Key. He decided to tell the boy, after all he may lead him to his objective or at least he could draw him out. "I am here to test my strength against him, now tell me where he is." he said yet again with no emotion in his voice.
I may make a teacher, lemme check who is available
Your Welcome ^_^
I will be Xigbar if you make him the Drama teacher and give Vexen the Science teacher job