"Yes, let your anger grow" Xaldin laughed. He smirked down at Leon. "How about you play with some friends of mine" he said summoning about fifteen Dragoons, seeing as they were high ranking Nobodies they would not be easy to defeat. The Dragoons jumped down and surrounded Leon. Without turning away from Leon and with his face still covered he responded to Sephiroth. "Who are you? You don't look to be a friend of his." he stated. OOC:Leon wouldn't have been able to see his sideburns cause his whole face his hidden by his hood.
OOC: Oh, well lets hope they hop on soon.
Lion King, defiantly. Another movie that made me cry big time when I was little wasn't a Disney movie. Has anyone seen the Homeward Bound movies about Chance, Sassy, and Shadow. Two dogs and a cat.
Xaldin smirked, "Of course, lets go." Xaldin teleported with a corridor of darkness and appeared in Radiant Garden on a roof, behind Leon. He had his hood up and he looked down at Leon. "Heh heh heh, having fun?" Xaldin said to Leon.
Xaldin looked over at Siax, "So what are the rest of us supposed to do? Go on missions? Has anyone considered what they might do to him. Xemnas is powerful but if he is out numbered they will kill him and that will cripple our effort a bit. I say we send people to distract them while we search for him." he said to Siax.
OOC:How many people is that?
I wanted a Klondike bar Why did you cause conflict within my horse?
OOC:This rp is kind of going nowhere.
I haven't been so well lately :(
Salem orbed and appeared in Twilight Town. He looked around at the people passing by, how normal and peaceful there lives seemed. If only they knew the truth, the war that was being fought so that they could live happily. He shook his head and walked towards the Train Station Tower. OOC: If anyone has seen Charmed before then you know what I mean by orbing.If you don't then watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlE9PF9-ASU It is Salems mode of transportation.
Name:Salem Pothosese Age:17 Weapon: Hectic Nights Keyblade Gender:Male Relations: None Appearance: Bio: His past is currently unknown but will be revealed in the future.
I am quite curious if the this has happened to anyone else. I was doing the second fight against Demyx in Radiant Garden. I went to transform into Perfect Form but turned into Anti-Sora. During the fight as Anti-Sora it showed a cut scene where Anti-Sora appears behind Demyx and taps on his shoulder. (bump for response)
Hi, I have to say you gotta have the best signature I have ever seen ^_^
Greetings Riku, how are you doing today
Hello, how goes it?
I'm sorry! I am so ashamed
I'm doing ok, how about you? Trying to decide in my mind who my favorite Org. Member is x.x
OOC:Um, where are people at? And are we using the normal KH worlds in this rp? Just trying to get some backround information for my character since I wasn't a part of the original rp.
OOC:Is it too late to join this rp?
This is pretty fun, I have been playing as a shorter Marluxia XD