I'm terribly sorry, but it seems that I'm already taken. ... By beautiful Lady Math, that is. also underage shhh
92 Ambiguous. Either 24 or 24x(square root of 5) 171,153 307,546,875 127,262,878,611,120 83,776 Two complex for me. 36,564,159,944,960 670,592,745 4,938,271,605 a+b+c, in which a, b and c are the sides' measures such that |a-b| < c < a+b |a-c| < b < a+c and |b-c| < a < b+c. Impossible to determine with absolute precision. No need. Pen and paper, along with a good deal of patience, are all that I require. wink wonk @What? There could be a few mistakes, please forgive those.
Rolling for double scoop. Lemon and vanilla, please. Trap successfully located and disarmed, you can lock this now
Looks like I'm up first. Well then, here goes nothing. I present you the: Introduction Ingredients Preparation SUNROSE ROYAL LIGHT SANDWICH™ Spoiler First off, yes, it is heart-shaped. And no, I don't feel sorry for using this idea before you even had the chance to, assuming you were as (un)creative as me. Now, as you may very well notice throughout your reading, I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing. Improv and spur of the moment played a huge part in this. Also, this could be a bit lengthy because of a lot of pictures and dumb jokes, so bear with me, you brave souls. Also, happy early valentine's day, I guess. Spoiler: Lettuce Sort of speaks for itself. Silly little What? said to use lettuce, so I used lettuce. Easy enough right? Then lettuce move on. Spoiler: White Bread Surprise surprise! This is already a princess ingredient (thank you loopholes), and I could assign it to none other than Princess Aurora. As you can see, bread is the very pillar of any sandwich, that one thing on top of which rest all the other ingredients, a bed of sorts. Am I being subtle enough? No? Oh, then how about you ponder over her story's title, The Sleeping Beauty, and then tell me the results. Spoiler: Extra Creamy Light Cream Next up are Cinderella and her matching ingredient. Now, I know this might be hard to picture, but personally, I think there is no other type of food that better resembles the concept of dreams than creams and cheeses. I thought about using some fancy cheese or whatever at one point, but this sandwich was already pretty messy in my head so I went for something lighter. Get it? Because "Légère" means "light" in french and the princesses are stuffed with it... Spoiler: Mayonnaise Now, I'll have you know how hard it is to think of an ingredient that likes/is similar to dancing or reading books, so I chose yet again the uncreative path and used something that matched Belle's dress color. If you can come up with a better justification, PLEASE let me know. ; n ; Spoiler: Carrot Strips First thing that comes to mind when I think of carrots is rabbits. Oh gee, I wonder which princess of heart is related to a rabbit. Wait I know, Alice of course! Not only that but the whole "fall down the rabbit hole" expression is a metonymic allusion to her story and all the events she experiences. Spoiler: A TAP WATER SPIRITS-WORSHIPPING CAT It doesn't exactly relates to a princess, mind you. He was getting in my way, so I decided to dispose of him... Hehehehe Spoiler: Apple Aww yeah, judge, another obvious idea. Great job. But seriously, if you don't know it yet, in the story, Snow White bites an apple that was cursed by the Queen and falls alseep for QUITE A WHILE. There, good thing this is inside a cozy pair of spoiler tags. (Warning: It all starts going downhill from here) Spoiler: Pomegranate Juice Watch out, it's a Super Fruit Grenade! Everybody take cover! No really, this one goes to Jasmine, due to the middle-eastern origin of the fruit. I tried looking for the actual berries, but this also did the trick. In addition, I think it's worthy of note that this particular ingredient is very distinct from the other in terms of flavor and common use, very much like our Princess Jasmine here, who I'm sure you'll all agree with me is the most exotic princess of the bunch, being the only non-european, or radiant gardenese. Spoiler: Smoked HIGHLANDER Salmon OH MY GOODNESS HIGHLANDER SALMON. Effin' awesome. At this point, it's clear that there's only one maiden missing here. That's right, our dearly beloved Kairi is who. Even though, similarly to Alice, she is not an actual princess in the proper sense of the word, she is (arguably) the most valiant one out of the seven, thus was awarded with the HIGHLANDEST ingredient. Moreover, salmon is a very popular variety of seafood, which is absolutely tied with her name's meaning. Yet another, albeit much weaker connection between the two is Kairi's KH2 outfit. If that's not enough salmon for you, I don't know what is. Step 1: Carefully (yeah right) sculpt your bread into a heart-shape. Remember to eat those leftovers, it's bad to waste food. Step 2: Spill a little bit of pomegranate juice on it like you have no idea what you're doing. Step 3: Add in the carrots. Actually, I think all steps from here on out are interchangeable, this is just the order I followed. Step 4: Make a star-shape out of salmon (shut up! it's supposed to be a star, alright?). Bonus points for Kairi's Lucky Charm, am I right? Step 4.5: Grab a knife, turn to your cat and silently-- wait, where did he go?!?! Dang, better luck next time... Step 5: Slice your apple and stick it into that mess. Step 6: Add cream. Step 7: Then cover it up with some lettuce. Step 8: And finally, cue the mayonnaise. Additional Notes: After taking a couple bites of it, I felt like it could use a little more juice, so I put some more on top. ALSO, since I didn't use all the apple slices, I had the brilliant idea of decorating the dish with them. I suppose that and the glass of pomegranate juice could count as side dishes, but Idk. Ah, one more thing, I don't recommend eating this pretty little sandwich unless your stomach can handle its unreal amount of poorly planned flavor combination. THOSE WHO ARE WILLIG TO TRY THIS, I SALUTE YOU.
Hm, I had no idea that Disney had bought the licence for A Series of Unfortunate Events. He'll be a fine KH villain, I'm sure of it.
Is 'no' the answer to this question?
All aboard the [PINSIDE] Train! *Choo choo* Next stop: 2015
Spoiler woah woah woah Easy there with those substances, mate...!
hey guess what plumso actually did it. apparently, naughty people get good gifts too now I'm convinced that my nagging superpowers are real LOOKS...
Oh, you haven't heard? Paris is coming to me. France will be no more. (yeah, I just went there, punk. whaddya gonna do bout it, huh)
Two weeks, forsikon And then three full months of me Be there, or BE THERE (oh, shoot, I just accidentally haiku'd this)
I thought zero cards functioned as Break-O-Matics, meaning they would triumph over every number, even 9. The downside is that they are also the easiest to break. So the issue here is whether or not it is played before the opponent's. MIGHT be mistaken, though, it's been a while since I played it.
From what I could tell, the first card the soldier played at 2:25 actually got to the middle section and remained there for a very brief moment before getting broken. In contrast, its second card barely reached the center, you can't even see it stopping. Therefore, I think it's safe to assume that "Rapid Card Break" not only represents how fast Riku's attacks become, but also how quickly the break must be performed, i.e. just before their card reaches the center.
Generally, this is sufficient indication that you are a movie character.
As someone who played Persona 4 Golden and then moved on to FES, I must admit the latter disappointed me, to an extent. All the concepts, story, characters, gameplay, battle mechanics, or really just both games in general are fantastic and super fun, social interaction being my favorite aspect as well. I mean, I literally spent months savoring, if you will, my first p4g playthrough. However, I'm not saying you should play it first like I did; quite the opposite, in fact. Had I tried FES first, there's no doubt that my impression of both games would've been far better. Is it bad that I never got around to finishing it? I blame Elizabeth's requests That should be as far as my experience with the franchise goes, sadly. Can't say anything about other titles or versions, like p3p and the original p4, so I might be somewhat biased. Definitely looking forward to future releases, though. So, please, do The Universe (get it?) a favor and play whatever variant of Persona 3 you pick before going for 4, otherwise you possibly run the risk of ending up like me. /two cents
Do russian elderly people die of old age or from the lifelong cold accumulation?
Hey! No fair! How come you don't say anything about how you're doing when I was the one who asked first?
Nothing major, just Free from school at long last...! Heh.
yo sup
Yes No Spoiler: Show Spoiler, Hide Spoiler EIGHT Spoiler: Hide Spoiler, Show Spoiler EIGHT Spoiler: Hide Spoiler, Show Spoiler EIGHT Spoiler: Show Spoiler, Hide Spoiler EIGHT Freakin' choices, man.