Search Results

  1. Judge Sunrose
    I will ask you one thing then: In what way did you feel your vote for G-dog would make a difference? I am actually curious on two levels here. The first is the more obvious objective, which would be to secure the G-dog lynch. The more subtle level is how your vote (or anyone's vote, for that matter) can be used as a concrete indication of your own standpoint. This is important because saying you're suspicious of someone and then not doing anything is not the same as actually voting for them, which you did.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Judge Sunrose
    Ok, before I even get to the issue of Krowley's murder, I want to address something that's been bugging me, and that no one seemed to mention yet.

    Why on earth did we have a hard lynch, again? I mean, not that I would've disagreed with the choice of victim, so to speak, but come on! That was really unnecessary; day wasn't even over yet. By the fourth vote, I'd say the wagon was rolling quite steadily. Then @Mish decided to give it another nudge, Krowley (RIP) gave it a whack and @Kingdom Hearts530 finally rode it off the cliff. Now, I understand this may not have been intentional, given that mafia tend to prefer the rather cozy and inconspicuous middle portion of bandwagons. Something just feels off to me, is what I'm trying to say. Not to mention, the hammer was what prevented me from even taking a stance.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Judge Sunrose

    Sir! What are the orders, sir!
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Judge Sunrose
    Coincidence? I think not. Words have power, y'know. B)

    What's up, guys. Wouldn't be like me to miss a mafia game now, would it. Right. My first order of business will be to calmly read everything a second time, because I literally applied to be a replacement just now. I'll be sure to post something of value later on.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Judge Sunrose

    ch. 1

    ch. 1
    we didn't really get along
    ch. 2
    i think i fell in love with you
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Judge Sunrose
    Name: Judge

    • Kingdom Hearts (BBS)
      Final Fantasy (I, IX, XII and Dissidias)
      Persona (4 (Golden (Teddie)))
      Rayman (Raving Rabbids)
      Tony Hawk series
      Jackie Chan (reeeaally young)
      Jim Carrey
    • Avatar: The Legend of Aang/The Legend of Korra (Zuko)
      Digimon (up to Frontier)
      Pixar (Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo)
    • Elvis Costello
      Gershwin (Rhapsody in Blue)
      music's not really my thing, though...
    • Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler
      Eiji Yoshikawa (Musashi)
      Isaac Asimov
      Ernest Hemingway (The Old Man and the Sea)
    • Martial arts (I cannot stress this enough, but please, no MMA)
      Modern Architecture (Niemeyer, Gaudí)

    Something tells me there's more, hm...
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Judge Sunrose
    >My first death in three games.

    Thanks Mafia! About time...

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to haunt a dinner reunion or two to the sound of Harry Belafonte.

    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Judge Sunrose
    Come on, we all know it's not like that at all. I can spot a handful of votes going back and forth, a couple of slightly more serious accusations being thrown, a few suggestions for reasonable courses of action, players defending other players; take your pick.

    No matter how you put it, we're at about 6 pages or so worth of actual game content, which is an alright amount for day 1. Plenty to look into in my opinion.

    By the looks of it, it's between you and Cat~. Now, I wonder if a vote split like this could mean one of you is Mafia...
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Judge Sunrose
    ##Vote: Moksha

    Sorry, pal. Nothing personal, I'm just not seeing any improvement from you, since you're displaying basically the same behavior from last time all over again. Town or Mafia, blatant disinterest is not helpful -- and I should really hope it's the latter.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Judge Sunrose
    Almost forgot to ##Unvote Spike. His alibi apparently checks out, considering his recent activity on both games. I don't want to policy lynch someone who's given a reasonable explanaition for not posting. Of course he could still very well be Mafia, but his particular innactivity has shown itself to be no longer something we should take as the sole motive for his lynching.

    I'd really be more interested in hearing from the folks that didn't do anything aside from just checking in. That's what I call real innactivity, as in "not acting constructively" rather than simply "not posting".

    Off the top of my head are @Moksha and @KeyToTruth12 but perhaps they could prove me wrong.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Judge Sunrose
    Serves me right for not paying attention to the deadline. Hnf.

    Being a bit of a joker myself occasionally, I don't think your first criterion is a very efficient tell. I do see soundness in the second one, so don't give up on that newborn theory just yet. Alas you'd have to dig up some more dirt first if you hope to build a solid case. If anything, it's prods like this one that might help us get the ball rolling eventually.

    Reasons? If we go by what Cal is suggesting, al's behavior seems to resemble your own. Or maybe you were just sticking to the uneducated proxy vote, which is still fair at this point I guess.

    On an unrelated note, Mish and tummer seem a tad too coordinated if you ask me. Could be simple coincidence, but it's juuust enough to warrant a raised eyebrow.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Judge Sunrose

    You guys could start putting up more votes, you're being too shy. Day ends tomorrow, and Spike's still missing.

    ##Vote: Spike
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Judge Sunrose
    Hopefully most people that posted will be fairly active throughout the game. In the mean time, I'll put a little extra pressure on the only no-show.

    ##Vote: Moksha

    Also keep in mind that the Day/Night cycles are shorter this time around.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Judge Sunrose
    *inactivity hunting, but let's not go overboard. (silly phone posted before I could finish typing)

    Not really? I mean, you gave absolutely no reason to back your vote. What's there to dispute?
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Judge Sunrose

    shhh. me think she onto us brothers

    In all seriousness though, it doesn't seem very prudent to kick day 1 to the side and start acting mindlessly. Think of possible plans, useful questions, itching suspicions -- productive things. Sure, all for inactivity hunt
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Judge Sunrose
    Well, at the end of the Day, he is the one who ends up killing everyone.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Judge Sunrose
    Alright, let's have some crazy fun then.

    can i vote you now, @Ars Nova ?[DOUBLEPOST=1416097175][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah, before I forget, it's a 9v3 game, isn't it?
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Judge Sunrose
    Ah'm clemun that thurd ruhplacemun slot-- gah, I probably got the accent wrong anyway. Just put me up as a fill in for this one, will ya.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Oct 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Judge Sunrose
    ##Vote: Nova

    Oh wait.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Oct 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Judge Sunrose