This... definitely changes things. Now I have something I can take to the drawing board.
Mish got it: Were it not for that fact, I'd maintain my initial read of him being Mafia. Thing is, wagons are probably one of the Mafia's biggest weapons. It's one of the methods they're supposed to use in order to make up for the loss of the ability to nightkill. Aaaaand I just realized something that was under my nose the whole time as I was typing this. Turns out that taking a backseat is not a feasible option for the Mafia in this type of game, I'd wager. Huh. Not exactly a ground-breaking revelation, I know; 's more of a passing thought than anything. I believe so. Mak never said anything about a number cap iirc. Here's a quote from the interest check thread: Imagine that A loves (<3) B, and C <3 A. Nothing in the rules prevent another player (D, E, F, etc...) from also loving A, from what I can tell. It's a statistical long shot, but could happen nonetheless. She's new to the game, she posts very little, with currently only 4 posts under her belt (and I'd say a couple of those wouldn't even qualify for the 5-post rule, depending on how strict Mak is). If this keeps up, she's supposed to receive a warning, not a modkill, mind you. Lastly, if we were to apply my bus theory here, she could be Mafia alongside Karuta, but I don't think this case is very solid. Aaaaaaa, guys stahp. This is nothing like last time; the biggest reason that plan worked was because I had the cop role and tried to do something creative with it. I'm not the cop anymore, so I don't have any magical powers left. this sucks btw Sorry to disappoint, but my bus theory is very flimsy and somewhat WIFOM-inducing, if you look at it closely. :c I only said it because I didn't want to leave that stone unturned, nothing more.
Nova. In a game where there is absolutely no danger of getting sniped for acting obvtown, the big man's been playing his cards far too close to his chest to my liking. fite me bro As for townreads, I regret to inform you that Splodge has been looking a lot more innocent since the wagon on him started. Makes me think the Mafia had a hand in pushing the whole thing cliffward. On the other hand, I actually have a theory in mind and I want to throw it out there. I think Splodge could also be Mafia, and some (not all) of the people who have voted for or accused him could also be Mafia. This isn't your run-of-the-mill bussing either. Keep in mind that Splodge (or any bus target really) could be linked to two (or in a doomsday case even three!) townies. I'd say it's a good opportunity to score two or more kills while still clearing up the bus pushers. Off-topic, how do you guys feel about lover-speccing in general? I think this might have been addressed before, but I'm still curious. (going out rn, will respond later)
It's funny because these two sentences are actually kinda contradicting each other. First you say I'm too focused on the structure and not on the content, then you point out that I (allegedly) read Cal's first argument as Mafia-like, which should be based on content, no? You're not wrong on the first bit, I am in fact quite preoccupied with the game mechanics. Doesn't mean I'm not equally aware of what's going on in the actual posts though. And good luck beating up that straw of yours, buddy. Never once did I even come close to accusing Cal. See: That was a simple counterargument. If anything, you're the one who seems quick to twist my words. Not only that, you also seem overly eager to clear Cal as Town for some reason. I'd switch my vote, but I feel we still need the pressure on Jiku for the time being.
So wait, lemme get this straight. Town can actually lose on day 1? Reasoning is as follows: It's possible that there is a group of three townies magically bound together by the strings of fate, say A <3 B and A <3 C. If A is mislynched, B and C die as well. Since we're at 8v5, that means the game would be at 5v5 after the mislynch, which is Game Over, no? I know it's a very slim chance, but still... Unless the Mod would have prevented this configuration from happening in the first place, hmm.
Actually-- ... Oh god, you're right. I must have mixed up the two formulas in my head. See?? This is what I was talking about! Lack of parenthesis can lead to ambiguity. *grumble grumble*
Yup, we did. My argument wasn't a WIFOM in itself, it simply pointed out one. I'll take your 6 and raise 1, because the number of remaining players is 13, plus 1 equals 14, then you take half of that, which is 7 votes. Spoiler: math nitpicking "1/2 the # of living players +1, rounded down" I'm pretty sure this means "(x+1)/2 rounded down". There was some confusion last game when people thought it was supposed to be "(x/2)+1 rounded down". Lesson is, watch your parentheses, kids.
Rebuttal: it's likely they wrote "1 person" in the sense that it's only one lover per quicktopic chat. This line of thinking isn't really evidence of anything. Even if you're right, it could be intentional misdirection, we can't say for sure. Trust me, I fell for that one before. i'm a war vet look at my scarrrrrrs
That was never an issue for me. B) ##Vote: Jiku Neon #yolo
Everyone, remember to put votes and unvotes in bold. And no editing posts!
@Makaze #wavestofriends
Photophobia. No, but seriously, I don't think I have any phobias atm. Like many children, I was afraid of sleeping with the lights off when I was little. If I go even further back, 2-year-old me was terrified of very loud noises, road tunnels, and this hideous gorilla plush he/I got as a birthday present. Or so my mom tells me.
@Ghost I can confirm one of Maru's PMs and I will be sure to respect her new sexual identification from now on. Also, @Makaze that cup a' T I ordered must be freezing cold by now, mir
Did you know this is my first time playin this game? What's your favorite book and/or movie?
Cup a' T, for the road. Ruth or Darrell-- I mean, Truth or Dare?
Can you feel the love tonight? 'cause I can't *sobs*
... What type of genie ARE you, "Kyubey"? Quick, wish for world peace next!
IT WAS ALL A LIE AGAIN aaaaaaa Jk, you probably wouldn't believe me anyway. I bet people are going to look funny at my every post in future games, but trust me, I don't think I'll be attempting this kind of stunt again any time soon, heheh... ##Vote: Midnight Star It's been a wild ride. See you on the other side, folks.
I would like to point out that the last time I said something along the lines of "THIS PERSON IS OBVTOWN", they were actually mafia and it pretty much cost us the game, so... Heh, fun facts for y'all. Anyway, I was just rereading everyone's posts after the True Reveal, or TR for short (this is a landmark now, right?), and every time I get to Mish's posts I can't help but read them in a 'lol we lost so I'll just throw mud at the wall here'-kind of way. If you try reading into this post for example, the reasoning doesn't seem to add up; it looks like it's coming out of nowhere, really. The point of that post was to clarify that she hadn't voted for Ghost for bussing-purposes, even though her vote came way before TR and had a decent enough reasoning as it was. Then there's the super nonchalant 'ok sure why not *SWAPS VOTE*' post, after I pressed her. There, the best attempt at case-building my worn-out brain can come up with. I'll be here until the deadline hits, in case you need me or my vote. Oh! Also very important: remember to watch out for the infamous mafia mislynch final-hammer pileup sneak attack special finishing move -- or whatever it's called.