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  1. Always Dance
    Got some new shirts, shoes, thermals, and (climactic), a plaid black-and-grey jacket, which is notable because I usually HATE plaid, but this jacket, I swear it just CALLED to me, and I look fuсking awesome in it. Great day.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 3, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Always Dance
    When your computer science teacher gives you an assignment that she swears will take at least two weeks, says is due in three weeks, and will even understand if it takes you longer than that and won't mark you down depending on how much effort you show, and then I finish it the same day?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 1, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Always Dance
    Reading that made me want to start this thread. I find it interesting and infuriating how people love to blame video games for violent occurrences. Couldn't the same thing happen if they were watching Animal Planet, or something? This reminds me of how Grand Theft Auto was blamed for some school shooting. It really ticks me off, and part of me thinks the media just wants something to villanize. What do you think?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 30, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Always Dance
    Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("RPSDat.txt"));

    Java: There is no RPSDat.txt

    Me: No, fuсk you, Java, it's RIGHT HERE:

    Java: No. It doesn't exist

    Me: But-



    I'll bet none of you understand this but I need to vent. This fuсking crap is annoying.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 29, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Always Dance
    I'm enlisting your help, KHV. If you agree to help me, you'll lose a lot of sleep and time.
    Go here and read all 6 chapters:
    (warning: The "drowned" chapter will laugh at you when you click on it. Nothing too bad.)
    Then go here and read everything:

    Obviously the game has stopped now, but when it starts again we're going to need to put our heads together. I've been talking with some people in the irc and so far all we've come up with is using the Lens of Truth on TheTruth.rtf, which I've already done and submitted as a video response.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 29, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Always Dance

    Fuсk, man.

    Ugh, this is getting RIDICULOUS. See this? It's ONE PROBLEM. And it took me the whole page (almost). And it only gets worse from here. There HAS to be some kind of way to make calculus take less paper >.>

    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 29, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Always Dance


    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 25, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Always Dance
    "Derp, you are an arrogant bully. You may not realize it, but your arrogance causes much sadness towards everyone around you. Have you ever wondered what people think of you? Even if you have, you know nothing of others' feelings, so your thoughts of what they think of you would be but a reflection of your own feelings. People have their own feelings and opinions. It is a terrible mistake to assume that others all think the way you do. But you fail to understand that. So when you force your opinion on someone, you may think that you did a good deed, but that person will only be unhappy. However, since you are also a tough fighter, no one dares to complain. However, if you don't change, no one will stand by you for long. To avoid that, you should learn to give a little and accommodate the opinions of other people. Although it may be too late, someone should stick with you. Learn to treat that person with respect."

    Fuсk this bullshit, I'm restarting. I just value logic and reason! He had to leave his brother behind, or they both would have died! It's stupid! At least if one survives he can get help! What the hell?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 30, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Always Dance
    ^KH3D is listed in the games index.
    I have a subscription so I'll be on the lookout and keep you guys posted. I've also got an HQ scanner so you guys can bet that the second I get it you'll have some scans.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 30, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Always Dance
    So, remember that thread about standards we had a while back (i'm not going to look for it).
    If you remember, mine were ridiculous. She meets all of them. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She loves anime and video games. She's even a /b/tard.

    I can never have her.
    I've never known what it's like to feel too bad about a girl because I've never been involved with one I was truly interested in, or even met one.
    Now I do.
    It sucks.
    I think I'll cry.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 28, 2010, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Always Dance
    The introduction section doesn't really fit well in "Rules and News". It looks out of place, wastes unnecessary space, and it's probably annoying for mods to lock threads all the time. Why not just put one sticky introduction thread where all newbies can post in the general discussion area?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 27, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. Always Dance
    Then I joined [An Avatar fansite, forgot the rule about advertising for a second]

    Holy fuсking shіt you guys. Avatar fans are insane.
    We have one picture and the names of 3 characters from the new series and they're already shipping. It's almost impossible to post because the forum stops you from posting if people post while you're typing. They're also making crazy shops of the picture and analyzing it to shіt. I've been there for a week and have 160 posts of speculation.

    I love it.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 27, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Always Dance
    New series confirmed. 70 years after ATLA, follows the next Avatar, who is... A WIMMINZ! LE GASP!

    Known info:
    -70 years after ATLA
    Aang is dead :(
    Aang's son, Tenzin, will be featured and will be Korra's airbending sifu
    Tenzin's mom is Katara
    -Coming 2011
    -Korra has mastered Earth, Water, and Fire already, and A:LOK will cover her mastering Air
    -Confirmed characters (official sources/press releases): Korra, Tenzin, Meelo
    -Unconfirmed character: "Wei Bei"
    -Doodle from comic-con:[​IMG]
    -Confirmed info from comic-con: It's a miniseries, 12 episodes have been greenlit, should air late fall 2011.
    Other confirmed info:
    -Sifu Kisu, the marital artist from ATLA, is involved in Korra.
    -Dee Bradley Baker, who was the voice of Appa and Momo, is involved in the series
    -The voice cast has been put together, and according to Dee Bradley Baker is 'Awesome'.
    -One episode has been recorded
    -Joaquim Dos Santos has been promoted to co-creator, and is now on the same level as Mike and Brian
    Nickelodeon press release: Releases&ItemID=70


    I am super pumped about this. Are you?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 21, 2010, 493 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Always Dance
    It's going to be fun, but I just wanna make sure you guys know. If I don't come back, roller coaster accident.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 16, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Always Dance


    And howdy doo.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 14, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Always Dance
    And like all these frogs are hopping all over my lily pads

    and i don't even know

    my tadpoles don't even have feet they can't even walk

    and how am i supposed to do the breast cancer when i don't have a computer...
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jul 11, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Always Dance

    The beta of Firefox 4 has been released. As you can see, I'm using it.
    It looks pretty nice, "personas" are compatible, but most add-ons are not. Adblock is the only one I have that is.
    It's noticeably faster on some sites, some are just the same. Youtube videos are definitely faster.
    Starting it up is noticeably slower, and for me it started up kind of buggy, but it sorted itself out in a few second.
    Also, the minimize/maximize/close buttons are gone. I don't know if that's just me.
    Official release apparently coming in the fall.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Jun 30, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Current Events
  18. Always Dance
    Mom: I brought you your coffee!

    Dad: No thank you, I don't really want it right now.

    Mom: *leaves room*


    *Dad goes to kitchen, finds mom bawling her eyes out*


    Thread by: Always Dance, Jun 28, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Always Dance
    I was grounded :/
    Longest week of my life.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jun 24, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Always Dance
    348 Australian dollars. Wow.
    The AU EB games is the only website to have this, and Nintendo has not clarified the price, so this may or may not be true. But if it is...
    Thread by: Always Dance, Jun 17, 2010, 21 replies, in forum: Gaming