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  1. Always Dance
    My dad just told me that on Black Friday he's taking me to Best Buy to get a computer. I already know what I'm getting. A new HP computer, with
    An AMD Athlon Quad Core 3.3 GHZ processor
    8 Gigabytes of ram
    A terrabyte hard drive
    A 23 inch monitor
    A legal copy of Windows 7
    and A wireless printer.

    Oh my god, I cannot wait. This will be an upgrade from my pathetic Toshiba laptop with
    A single core 1.6 GHZ Intel processor
    2 gigabytes of ram
    A 70 gig hard drive
    (I don't know how big this screen is lol)
    An illegal copy of windows 7
    And an enormous, bulky USB printer.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 19, 2010, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Always Dance
    And I just downloaded it.
    I know, I know, I'm a terrible person.
    But dude, oh my god, it's SO amazing I can't even contain myself. My Chemical Romance does not cease to impress. It doesn't sound much like Bullets which I was kind of hoping for, but it's still amazing in its own right. Haven't loved an album this much in a long time.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 19, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Always Dance

    [In my feeble attempts to do this, I've...

    Installed ToneFXs on my iPhone, made a ToneFX on my computer, tried to point ToneFX to it, didn't work.
    Cooked an M4R in iTunes, converted it to .caf, tried to point ToneFX to it, didn't work.

    Installed AnyRing, tried to record my own tone, didn't work.

    Cooked an M4R in iTunes, converted it to .caf, tried to point AnyRing to it, didn't work.

    Cooked an M4R in iTunes, converted it to .caf, stuck it in my iPhone's filesystem with iFunBox, worked for a little bit, then stopped.

    Installed biteSMS, enabled the custom ringtone option, tried to point it to the earlier .caf, didn't work.

    Cooked an M4R in iTunes, pointed biteSMS to it, didn't work.
    ^Tried that just one more time for shits&giggles, and it actually worked.

    I am extremely upset with Apple right now for not just allowing this feature natively and making you use all these unstable Jailbreak apps to do it >.>

    But on the bright side, if you text me, I will hear the first few seconds of the Kanto Gym Leader theme from Pokemon Heart Gold(Or Soul Silver if you're gay like that)
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 18, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Always Dance
    And it almost got me in some shіt today XD
    I was quietly singing "We can live forever if you've got the time, you mother fuсker, WHOAAAA-OH" at a family function and was right in the middle of "Mother" when I noticed my grandmother's presence e_e
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 15, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Always Dance

    I write up a lot of forgettable songs but never post them. This one I actually really like. I wrote it after my philosophy teacher talked about civil liberty and the state being like a "Parent" to us. I raised the analogy of kidnappers(Hence "Stockholm Syndrome") and he loved it.

    It isn't really finished, I really need to work on the bridge, it isn't strong enough, it's more like a verse just sung differently(not that anyone here can see it XD)


    Your gun and our lives in your hand,
    Still you said that you had no choice.
    You meant it, I heard the sadness in your voice.
    You're right, yet so wrong, and I'll show you why.
    Go on, whip me, but I won't dare cry.
    I'll fight back and scream with my head up high,
    Like so many won't dare!

    Never have I seen before
    (So many...)
    Lives held behind one door....Yeah!
    Never have I heard before
    (So little...)
    Strength from screaming voices!

    Hands tied and up against wall,
    Still I feel like I have a choice.
    My mouth's gagged, but I feel I have a voice!
    And I'll use it, 'till it's gone, with the rest of me,
    But so many don't care!

    Never have I seen before
    (So many...)
    Life stories, behind one door...yeah!
    Never have I heard before
    (So little...)
    Strength, so many voices!

    So here I am, with my hand on this megaphone,
    I'll give the command and we'll take this home!
    So I turn around, and scream so proudly...
    To an audience of no one!

    Never have I seen before
    (So many...)
    Crushed dreams, trapped inside these doors...yeah!
    Never have I heard before
    (So little...)
    Strength, so many voices!

    So little strength, so many voices!
    So little strength, so many voices!
    So little strength, so many voices!
    So little strength, so many voices...

    I scream out loud with your silent thoughts.
    So little strength, so many voices.
    So little strength, so many voices.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 12, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Always Dance
    How does this cesspool of nerds have no Black Ops thread?

    I just got it for the Wii, been playing it all day. Motion controls are RIDICULOUS. Time to shell out the $15(OH MY GOD THE HORROR) For a classic controller pro.

    Who wants to share friend codes? Or should I bother?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 11, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Always Dance
    I've been thinking of buying an XBOX360. Mostly because I want to play a few FPS games but also for a few other things like FF13, Blue Dragon, and maybe some Kinect games one day. The reason I want one over a PS3 is because it's easier to pirate games(inb4getajob). The only thing is that I probably wouldn't play Live, because I don't want to pay for it. But that doesn't mean I'd NEVER play it, maybe get a month pass every few months when I have some spare money, I don't know.

    But here's the thing, there's an xbox for sale on Craigslist (I'm not buying a new one), for 75 dollars, already hacked(big convenience to me) but it's banned. So I won't be playing Live AT ALL. Non-banned ones, however, are going for about $180 on Craigslist.

    So who thinks this is a good deal? I make 25 dollars a week(but that stops at the end of the school year[or whenever the end of the school year is for 6th graders]) and want to have enough money to Christmas shop.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 8, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Always Dance
    ^skip to 0:35

    Seriously! Who else does that?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 26, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Always Dance

    Quickly KHV

    Did I do these right?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 25, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Always Dance


    Does anyone else here program? I just started this semester, taking my first programming class, Java, and I LOVE it.

    I tried to learn it online before, but I just couldn't do it. I was afraid I wasn't going to like it, but I'm really glad I took the class, because as I said, I love it. Learning in a class is 1000x better than online.

    So what about you guys? Do you program? What languages do you use? What have you done?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 23, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Always Dance

    Java IDEs

    I'll bet no one is going to know what I'm talking about here but it's worth a shot.
    I just started using Java and cycle through two IDE's: BlueJ and Eclipse.
    I like BlueJ because it's color-coded so it's really easy to keep track of everything, but it doesn't help you out at all. I like Eclipse because of all the helpful things it does, like automatically close parentheses, automatically fixes parsing errors, can write observers and transformers for you, shows you a drop-down of methods when you call a class, etc. But it's not color coded like BlueJ and it's REALLY hard to keep track of what's going on, it's like programming in notepad. Does anyone know of an IDE that does both? Or am I just going to have to get used to non-color coded Eclipse?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 23, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Always Dance
    For so many reasons. First of all, it's more than likely going to be my first class that I'm not going to get an A in. Second, apparently it's not even USED in Computer Science(the field I'm majoring in), it's just mandatory for the degree to get you to "Think like a programmer"(Translation: we want more money, pay for all these math classes). And third, I just used three pieces of paper to do a problem, and the next class session my teacher decided to show us that it can also be done in about two college ruled lines. Of course, we're not allowed to do that on a test.

    Seriously, fuсk calculus.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 23, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Always Dance

    I programmed rock paper scissors.
    (just download the .jar and double click on it)
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 21, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Always Dance

    Philiosophy, first class of the day, got 100%, off to a good start. Logic, 96%. Nice. Computer Science, 85%, which is fine because it was a really tough test, most didn't even finish it, and it'll be curved.
    Then Calculus.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 19, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Always Dance
    I was grounded for a week. Nice to be back! :)
    What's new?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 17, 2010, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Always Dance
    You guys are going to love it. It's so much funner and plays much smoother than Days. I'm on the third world and I already love it. I don't think I'm going to get much farther than this because i can't figure out what to do :/
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 8, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Always Dance


    Jadusable is eating my life(google "jadusable wiki" if you don't know what I'm talking about). I've been staying up really late on the IRC trying to figure out what the next step is. I can play the JP version of RECODED right now if i wanted to but I'm too busy chatting it up on the IRC.

    Anyway, this thing is really immersive and amazing, if anyone wants to help us out let me know. THe game is back on now, and we're all confused as hell, we could use some of the great minds here.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Always Dance
    (Me: )"I just don't understand the point of catching legendaries you aren't even going to use. It's like collecting stamps."

    (Friend: )"So?"

    "So what's the point? Seriously, what's so great about having a little spirte in your box with legendary status just to look at? 'Hey everyone, look at me. God, this level 100 Heatran is so freaking mind blowing'"

    "That's what she said."

    "What? That doesn't even make sense."

    "Maybe not to you, you should have caught Heatran."


    My friend is awesome.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 4, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Always Dance
    I just tried to rep someone to be greeted with the "You must herpderp", and I was like "Wuuut? But the last time I repped that guy was like two months ago! And then BAM!, fridge brilliance, I remembered the rollback and felt like an idiot. Am I alone?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 4, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Always Dance
    As much as I've grown to love My Chemical Romance's emo-esque songs, I'm really glad that they seem to be out of their emo phase now. The new song still doesn't sound anything like their first album, which I was really hoping for, but it's still amazing and will not leave my head. Please give it a chance, haters.


    Thread by: Always Dance, Oct 4, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone